APSC_O 107 (0) Introduction to Applied Science Co-op
An introduction to Applied Science Co-op including: completion of preemployment workshops, career skills toolkits, networking opportunities, interview training, individual coaching sessions, and job search skills. Restricted to students meeting the requirements of the Faculty of Applied Science Co-operative Education Program.
APSC_O 110 (3) Co-operative Education Work Term I
Supervised, integrated learning experience in a public or private organization for a minimum of three months. Formal co-op assignments required. Restricted to students meeting the requirements of the Faculty of Applied Science and the Co-operative Education Program. Prerequisite: APSC 107.
APSC_O 169 (3) Fundamentals of Sustainable Engineering Design
Theory and practice of sustainable engineering. Awareness and risk analysis of potential impacts on society and the environment over the lifecycle of engineering projects. Engineering design process, project lifecycle, and professional responsibility. Team-based design project. [3-2-0]
APSC_O 171 (3) Engineering Drawing and CAD/CAM
Orthographic projections, axonometric and perspective projections, dimensioning and tolerances, computer-aided design and modelling, introduction to rapid prototyping, team-based design project. [3-0-2]
APSC_O 172 (3) Engineering Analysis I
Functions, limits, differentiation, applications of derivatives, integration, applications of definite integrals. [3-0-1]
APSC_O 173 (3) Engineering Analysis II
Integrals and transcendental functions, techniques of integration, applications of integration, polar coordinates, infinite sequences and series, vectors and the geometry of space, and partial derivatives. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: APSC 172.
APSC_O 176 (3) Engineering Communication
Written and oral presentations, formal and informal. Purpose, audience, content, format, and tone are studied, as are team-based report writings and presentations. [3-0-0]
APSC_O 177 (3) Engineering Computation and Instrumentation
Computer systems, software development, operating systems, compilers, programming in a high-level language, selection and loop structures, functions, arrays, pointers, files, data acquisition, solving engineering problems with computer programs. [3-2*-0]
APSC_O 178 (3) Electricity, Magnetism, and Waves
Electric fields and forces, electric potential, capacitance, DC circuits, magnetic fields and forces, Faraday's law, inductance, waves, light, and optics. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: APSC 172. Corequisite: APSC 173.
APSC_O 179 (3) Linear Algebra for Engineers
Systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, engineering application of linear algebra, matrix operations, special matrices, determinants, vector space, orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, linear transformation. [3-0-0]
APSC_O 180 (3) Statics
Force vectors, Cartesian coordinate system, free body diagram, dot and cross products, forces equilibrium of particles, force and moment equilibrium of rigid bodies, analysis of trusses, frames and machines, friction, wedges, pulleys, and belts. Applications of linear algebra in statics. [3-0-2] Corequisite: APSC 179.
APSC_O 181 (3) Dynamics
Kinematics of particles, curvilinear motion, normal-tangential, polar, cylindrical coordinates, force and acceleration, equation of motions, work and energy, conservation of energy. Introduction to rigid body dynamics. [3-0-2] Prerequisite: All of APSC 172, APSC 180. Corequisite: APSC 173.
APSC_O 182 (3) Matter and Energy I
Thermometry, states of matter and phase change, ideal and real gases, 1st law of thermodynamics, 2nd law of thermodynamics, liquids, solutions, solid crystals, atomic structures and bonding. [2-2*-2*]
APSC_O 183 (3) Matter and Energy II
Chemical equilibrium, reactions in gas phase and in aqueous solutions, acid-base and redox reactions, kinetics of chemical reactions, thermochemistry, electrochemistry, and organic chemistry. [2-2*-2*]
APSC_O 193 (3) Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers
Structure and function of the neuromuscular, skeletal, digestive, endocrine, urinary, circulatory, and respiratory systems of the human body. Special emphasis on interfacing with biomedical devices. Restricted to students in the B.A.Sc. program. [3-0-0]
APSC_O 201 (3) Technical Communication
Written and oral communication in engineering. Report preparation, business correspondence, and oral presentation of technical material. Principles of communication with Indigenous communities. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: APSC 176.
APSC_O 210 (3) Co-operative Education Work Term II
Supervised, integrated learning experience in a public or private organization for a minimum of three months. Formal co-op assignments required. Restricted to students meeting the requirements of the Faculty of Applied Science and the Co-operative Education Program. Prerequisite: APSC 110.
APSC_O 246 (3) System Dynamics
Introduction to the Fourier series. Linear time invariant system, impulse response function, operator, convolution, system characterization, complex numbers, solution of linear ordinary differential equations, Laplace transform and its applications, transfer function, frequency response, solution to system of linear differential equations. Fourier series and transform. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: All of APSC 173, APSC 179, APSC 181.
APSC_O 248 (3) Engineering Analysis III
Multivariable functions, Lagrange multipliers; line integrals, surface integrals, volume integrals; divergence, curl, gradient; divergence and Stokes' theorems; engineering applications of vector field theory. Introduction to partial differential equations. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: APSC 173.
APSC_O 252 (3) Thermodynamics
First and second laws of thermodynamics. Applications to simple thermodynamic processes and cycles. Introduction to heat transfer modes. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: All of APSC 173, APSC 182.
APSC_O 253 (3) Fluid Mechanics I
Fluid properties and fluid statics; principles of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy; laminar and turbulent flow; dimensional analysis; pipe flow; valves and fittings, flow measurements. [3-2*-1] Prerequisite: All of APSC 180, APSC 181, APSC 248.
APSC_O 254 (3) Instrumentation and Data Analysis
Data acquisition, sensors, instrumentation, measurement techniques and their limitations, experimental design, and data analysis; statistics, basic probability; application of statistics to data analysis. [3-2*-1] Prerequisite: All of APSC 173, APSC 178.
APSC_O 255 (3) Electric Circuits and Power
Circuit analysis techniques for steady-state AC and DC circuits containing independent and dependent voltage and current sources, resistance, capacitance and inductance. DC maximum power transfer. AC power including real, reactive, apparent and complex power and power factor. AC power analysis using phasors. Three-phase AC power systems. [3-2*-1] Prerequisite: APSC 178.
APSC_O 256 (3) Numerical Methods for Analysis
Introduction to numerical modelling and numerical methods for root finding, linear systems, differentiation, integration, and ordinary and partial differential equations. Applications to engineering problems. [3-1-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 173, APSC 177, APSC 179.
APSC_O 258 (3) Applications of Engineering Design
Principles of engineering design, applied to a team-based design project. Use of probability, programming, decision making, economic principles, systems theory, and technical communication in design projects. [3-1-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 169, APSC 177, APSC 179, APSC 254.
APSC_O 259 (3) Materials Science I
Atomic bonding, crystallographic characteristics of materials, stress-strain curve, strengthening mechanisms, failure of materials, Eutectic and Eutectoid phase transformations, Fe-C phase diagram, composite materials, corrosion, electrical properties of materials. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 182, APSC 183.
APSC_O 260 (3) Mechanics of Materials I
Concepts of stress and strain. Axial, shear forces and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate structures, torsion in shafts. Axial and shear stresses and deformations. Transformation of plane stress, Mohr's circle. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: APSC 173 and APSC 180.
APSC_O 261 (3) Theory of Structures
Types of structures and structural elements. Loads and load path. Design objectives, philosophy and limit states. Static determinacy and stability. Analysis of statically determinate structures. Deflection using energy and geometrical methods. Influence lines. [3-0-2] Prerequisite: All of APSC 173, APSC 180, APSC 259. Corequisite: APSC 260.
APSC_O 262 (3) Digital Logic Design
Logic design methods, hardware description language (HDL), number representation and arithmetic circuits, combinational circuits, flip-flops, registers, programmable logic devices (FPGAs), counters, finite state machines, digital system designs. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 178.
APSC_O 270 (3) Signals and Communication Systems
Fourier series and Fourier transform analysis of signals; sampling theorem; amplitude; phase; and frequency modulation; baseband digital transmission; pulse code modulation and quantization; Nyquist pulses; inter-symbol interference. Credit will be granted for only one of APSC 270 or ENGR 361. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 246.
APSC_O 278 (3) Electric and Magnetic Fields
Review of vector calculus and coordinate systems; electrostatic fields; electric dipoles and polarization; magnetostatics fields; magnetic dipoles and magnetization; boundary conditions; electromagnetic induction; Maxwell's equations. Credit will be granted for only one of APSC 278 or ENGR 365. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: All of APSC 178, APSC 248.
APSC_O 310 (3) Co-operative Education Work Term III
Supervised, integrated learning experience in a public or private organization for a minimum of three months. Formal co-op assignments required. Restricted to students meeting the requirements of the Faculty of Applied Science and the Co-operative Education Program. Prerequisite: APSC 210.
APSC_O 410 (3) Co-operative Education Work Term IV
Supervised, integrated learning experience in a public or private organization for a minimum of three months. Formal co-op assignments required. Restricted to students meeting the requirements of the Faculty of Applied Science and the Co-operative Education Program. Prerequisite: APSC 310.
APSC_O 411 (3) Co-operative Education Work Term V
Supervised, integrated learning experience in a public or private organization for a minimum of three months. Formal co-op assignments required. Restricted to students meeting the requirements of the Faculty of Applied Science and the Co-operative Education Program. Prerequisite: APSC 410.
APSC_O 412 (3) Co-operative Education Work Term VI
Supervised, integrated learning experience in a public or private organization for a minimum of three months. Formal co-op assignments required. Restricted to students meeting the requirements of the Faculty of Applied Science and the Co-operative Education Program. Prerequisite: APSC 411.
APSC_O 501 (3) Professional Communication for Engineering Leaders
Advanced workplace communication. Audience and purpose. Proposals and reports. Equity and diversity. Social media. Oral presentations (face-to-face and video conferencing) and visual aids. Listening skills. This course is restricted to students in the M.Eng. program.
APSC_O 503 (6) Startup Engineering Practicum
The role of engineers in early-stage technology startups is learned experientially through a practicum work experience. Weekly lectures are used to explore best practices for starting technology ventures and working in uncertain and dynamic working environment. Registration for the course is restricted and requires passing an individual admission process.
APSC_O 504 (3) Solar Cell Engineering
Climate change and renewable energy sources, operational principles of solar cells and review of leading technologies, deposition and characterization tools for thin film layers, environmental and economic considerations of solar energy, and latest developments in academic research.
APSC_O 505 (3) Engineering Leadership
Knowledge and application of Engineering Leadership through reflective practices, including the introduction of various leadership styles, with particular attention to leadership skills within engineering teams that foster equitable, diverse and inclusive team building. Credit will be granted for only one of APSC 505 or ENGR 405.
APSC_O 509 (3) Construction Digitalization and Informatics
Lean construction; n-dimensional Building Information Modeling; Internet of Things; digital business models; digital fabrication and platforms. Credit will be granted for only one of APSC 509 or ENGR 409.
APSC_O 510 (3) Engineering Internship I
Supervised, technical paid work experience with a public or private organization for a minimum of 12 weeks full-time. Internship assignment required. Restricted to graduate degree students meeting requirements of the Faculty of Applied Science and the Co-operative Education program. Prerequisite: APSC 107. and 30 credits M.Eng. coursework. Pass/Fail.
APSC_O 511 (3) Engineering Internship II
Supervised, technical paid work experience with a public or private organization for a minimum of 12 weeks full-time. Internship assignment required. Restricted to graduate degree students meeting requirements of the Faculty of Applied Science and the Co-operative Education program. Prerequisite: APSC 510. Pass/Fail.
APSC_O 512 (3) Engineering Internship III
Supervised, technical paid work experience with a public or private organization for a minimum of 12 weeks full-time. Internship assignment required. Restricted to graduate degree students meeting requirements of the Faculty of Applied Science and the Co-operative Education program. Prerequisite: APSC 511. Pass/Fail.
APSC_O 514 (3) Precast Concrete Structures
Means and methods of precast concrete construction; advanced design of precast concrete structures; analysis of experimental data of precast concrete components; innovations in precast concrete construction. Credit will be granted for only one of APSC 514 or ENGR 414.
APSC_O 519 (3) System Identification
Identification of dynamical systems by considering input signals, sensor measurements, noise, and disturbance, as well as using parameter estimation, model selection and validation, and practical considerations. Credit will only be granted to one of ENGR 419 or APSC 519
APSC_O 520 (3) Demand Side Energy Management
Socio-economic and environmental considerations of energy demand and management, building energy performance improvements, building and community level energy policies and regulations, renewable and alternative energy integration.
APSC_O 530 (3) Earth Dams and Dikes
Understand design criteria and regulatory requirements and apply failure consequence classification; evaluate embankment stability, deformation and seepage; seepage control, erosion protection and filter design; techniques for deficiency identification; maintenance and repair strategies; dam safety management systems.
APSC_O 541 (3) Distributed Power Generation
Overview of distributed power generation technologies; impacts of distributed generation on power system operation and planning; wind and PV resources in the electrical grid; energy storage technologies in the electrical grid; demand response and advanced metering infrastructure.
APSC_O 547 (3) Advanced Drinking Water Treatment
Theory and design of advanced drinking water treatment processes used for challenging source water conditions. Risk-based treatment approaches, removal of emerging contaminants, regulated and unregulated disinfection by-products, and other current issues in potable water treatment and quality.