Gases, atomic structure and quantum theory of atoms, molecular structure and bonding, intermolecular forces. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 121 or CHEM 111. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: Chemistry 11. Chemistry 12 is strongly recommended. Principles of Mathematics 12 or Pre-Calculus 12 is strongly recommended.
CHEM_O 123 (3) Physical and Organic Chemistry
Chemical kinetics, equilibrium, thermodynamics and energy changes, acid and base equilibria, introductory organic chemistry. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 123 or CHEM 113. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 121.
CHEM_O 201 (3) Introduction to Physical Chemistry
Principles of chemical kinetics, reaction mechanisms, and chemical thermodynamics. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 201 or 210. [3-3-1*] Prerequisite: One of MATH 101, MATH 103 and one of PHYS 121, PHYS 122 and one of CHEM 113, CHEM 123. A minimum grade of 65% in CHEM 113 is strongly recommended. MATH 200 is also strongly recommended.
CHEM_O 203 (3) Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Structure, bonding, and physical properties of aliphatic and aromatic compounds; conformational analysis, stereochemistry, and NMR spectroscopy; substitution and elimination reactions of alkyl halides; ethers, epoxides, aldehydes, ketones. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM_O 203 or CHEM_O 213. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: One of CHEM_O 113, CHEM_O 123. A minimum grade of 65% in CHEM_O 113 is strongly recommended. For Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Environmental Chemistry majors, Chemistry minors, and BSUST students in the Green Chemistry concentration; other students should enrol in CHEM_O 213.
CHEM_O 204 (3) Organic Chemistry
Mechanistic analysis of chemical reactivity of common functional groups, with focus on carbonyl chemistry; aromaticity and aromatic substitution; functional group transformations in organic synthesis; carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, heterocycles. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM_O 204 or CHEM_O 214. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: CHEM_O 203. For Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Environmental Chemistry majors, Chemistry minors, and BSUST students in the Green Chemistry concentration; other students should enrol in CHEM_O 214.
CHEM_O 210 (3) Physical Chemistry for Earth, Environmental, and Life Sciences
Intended for students in earth, environmental, and life sciences. Thermodynamics and kinetics as they apply to natural systems. This course cannot be used for credit by Chemistry Majors. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 201 or 210. [3-3-1*] Prerequisite: One of MATH 101, MATH 103 and one of PHYS 121, PHYS 122 and one of CHEM 113, CHEM 123. A minimum grade of 65% in CHEM 113 is strongly recommended.
CHEM_O 211 (3) Analytical Chemistry
Methods of measurement, statistical analysis and errors of measurement, method development and validation, the meaning of test results, accuracy, precision, biosensors, analytical electrochemistry, chemical separation, introduction to gas and liquid chromatography. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 211 or BIOC 211. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: One of CHEM 113, CHEM 123 and one of PHYS 121, PHYS 122.
CHEM_O 213 (3) Organic Chemistry for Biological Sciences I
Structure, bonding, and physical properties of organic compounds; conformational analysis, stereochemistry, and chirality; reactions of alkenes, alkyl halides, and alcohols. Emphasis will be placed on biological applications. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 203 or CHEM 213. [3-3*-0] Prerequisite: One of CHEM 113, CHEM 123. Not for Chemistry, Biochemistry, or Environmental Chemistry majors. Such students should enrol in CHEM 203.
CHEM_O 214 (3) Organic Chemistry for Biological Sciences II
Mechanistic description of aromatic substitution, reactions of carbonyl compounds and amines, oxidation/reduction reactions. Chemistry of carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, lipids, nucleotides. Chemical principles of biological catalysis and metabolism. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 204 or CHEM 214. [3-3*-0] Prerequisite: One of CHEM 203, CHEM 213. Not for Chemistry, Biochemistry, or Environmental Chemistry majors. Such students should enrol in CHEM 204.
CHEM_O 220 (3) Atomic Structure and Molecular Bonding
Examination of various theories of atomic structure and molecular bonding, and their use to explain chemical and physical properties of atoms and molecules. Atomic wave mechanics, Lewis theory, valence bond theory, crystal field theory, symmetry and group theory, and molecular orbital theory of diatomic and polyatomic molecules and extended solids. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: One of CHEM 113, CHEM 123. A minimum grade of 65% in CHEM 113 is strongly recommended.
CHEM_O 301 (3) Aqueous Environmental Chemistry
Properties of natural waters, including gas and solid equilibria, pH, redox, complexation analysis, corrosion treatment, ion exchange, colloids, and microbial transformations. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of MATH 101, MATH 103 and one of CHEM 201, CHEM 210.
Introduction to structure, composition, and chemical processes occurring in Earth's atmosphere including interactions with solar radiation, stratospheric ozone layer, photochemical smog, and acid rain. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of MATH 101, MATH 103 and one of CHEM 113, CHEM 123 and one of PHYS 121, PHYS 122. One of CHEM 210, 211 is recommended.
CHEM_O 304 (3) Advanced Physical Chemistry
Review of thermodynamics concepts; solution thermodynamics; electrochemistry; chemical equilibria, phase equilibria, colloid science. Emphasis on applications of thermodynamics to both chemical and biochemical systems. [3-4*-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 201. MATH 200 is recommended.
CHEM_O 305 (3) Biophysical Chemistry
Diffusion and transport phenomena of biomolecules. Interaction of radiation and matter in biochemical systems. Methods to determine molar mass, size, and shape of biomolecules in solution. MATH 200 is strongly recommended. [3-4*-0] Prerequisite: One of CHEM 201, CHEM 210.
CHEM_O 311 (3) Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
Overview of instrumental methods of chemical analysis, including spectroscopic methods, mass spectrometry, electrophoresis and chromatography. [3-4-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 211. One of BIOL 202, STAT 230 is strongly recommended.
CHEM_O 312 (3) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy
Principles of quantum mechanics, atomic wavefunctions, angular momentum, spin, atomic term symbols. [3-4*-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 201. Corequisite: MATH 200 is strongly recommended.
Basic physiochemical processes governing the fate, transport, distribution, properties, and reactions of anthropogenic organic compounds in the environment including pesticides and herbicides. Includes aspects of the photochemistry, structure-activity relationships, detection, toxicology, remediation, and social impact of such compounds. [3-3*-0] Prerequisite: One of MATH_O 101, MATH_O 103 and one of CHEM_O 204, CHEM_O 214 and one of PHYS_O 121, PHYS_O 122.
CHEM_O 319 (3) Topics in Computerized Instrumentation, Lecture and Lab Format
Computerized data acquisition and analysis in chemistry instrumentation, development of new instruments to collect and analyze experimental data: Digital acquisition systems, optical systems, electrical circuits, and coding. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM_O 519 or CHEM_O 319. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: CHEM_O 113 or 123; PHYS _O 121 or 122; third-year standing.
CHEM_O 322 (3) Methods in Forensic Chemical Analysis
Concepts in the forensic chemical analysis of materials. Sampling protocols, sample preparation and clean up, instrumental techniques, chemical tracers, chemical fingerprinting, drug and toxin analysis, complex statistical analysis. Specific case studies with emphasis on environmental forensic issues will be presented. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of CHEM 211, CHEM 123 and one of BIOL 202, PSYO 271, STAT 230.
CHEM_O 330 (3) Advanced Organic Chemistry
Application of carbonyl group chemistry, cyclisation reactions, conformational analysis, and rearrangement reactions in organic synthesis. [3-4*-0] Prerequisite: One of CHEM 204, CHEM 214.
CHEM_O 333 (3) Spectroscopic Techniques in Organic Chemistry
Application of mass spectrometry, NMR, and IR spectroscopies to organic chemical problems. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of CHEM 204, CHEM 214.
CHEM_O 334 (3) Green Organic Chemistry
More sustainable and less hazardous methods in synthetic chemistry. Topics include feedstocks for chemical synthesis, alternative solvents, polymers, atom and step economy, design of safer chemicals. [3-4*-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 204.
CHEM_O 335 (3) Bioinorganic Chemistry
Examination of the involvement of inorganic chemistry in biological systems; structure and chemistry of metalloproteins and metalloenzymes. Nature of proteins, biomolecules, and simple bonding models of d-block compounds; iron and copper proteins involved with electron and oxygen transport and oxygen and nitrogen activation, various proteins of zinc and nickel. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of CHEM 204, CHEM 214 and one of CHEM 201, CHEM 210.
CHEM_O 336 (3) Green Inorganic Chemistry
Use of inorganic and organometallic catalysts for sustainable synthesis. Renewable feedstock conversion, selective carbon-hydrogen bond functionalization, biodegradable polymer synthesis, photoredox catalysis, solar fuels. [3-4*-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 220 and one of CHEM 204, CHEM 214.
CHEM_O 337 (3) Coordination Chemistry
Analysis of the coordination chemistry of d- and f-block metals including structure, bonding descriptions, spectroscopic and magnetic properties, and kinetics and mechanism of substitution and redox reactions. [3-4*-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 220 and one of CHEM 204, CHEM 214.
CHEM_O 338 (3) Organometallic Chemistry
Examination of the structure, bonding, reactivity, and catalysis of organometallic compounds of the d-block metals. A survey of ligands unique to organometallic chemistry is followed by an examination of the mechanisms of common reactions and important catalytic cycles. [3-4*-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 220 and one of CHEM 204, CHEM 214.
CHEM_O 347 (3-6) Directed Studies in Chemistry
Comprehensive review of a literature topic, hypothesis-driven data analysis, and/or original research, under the supervision of a faculty member. Includes a written manuscript and either an oral or poster presentation. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Prerequisite: Third-year standing in the Chemistry Major, Environmental Chemistry Major, or the Green Chemistry Concentration of the BSUST with a minimum overall grade average of 72%, and permission of the department head.
CHEM_O 403 (3) Enzymology
Enzyme kinetics: steady-state kinetic analyses, fast-reaction methods, kinetic isotope effects. Catalytic mechanisms: coenzymology, radical-mediated reactions, catalytic rate enhancements. Special topics: enzyme evolution, multifunctional enzymes, biocatalysis, protein engineering. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 403, BIOC 403, CHEM 413 or CHEM 569. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of BIOC 304, BIOL 311. Equivalency: BIOC403
CHEM_O 412 (3) Methods in Metabolomics
Chemical analysis of the metabolites in biological samples: study design, sample extractions, method development and validation, targeted and untargeted experiments, data processing, isotope tracer studies, chemoinformatics, compound identification, metabolic pathway and network mapping, data interpretation and presentation. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 412, BIOC 412 or CHEM 533. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 211. and fourth-year standing in Chemistry or Environmental Chemistry.
CHEM_O 422 (3-12) Special Topics in Chemistry, Lecture Format
An advanced or specialized topic in chemistry, generally with an emphasis on recent literature. Topics will usually vary with each course offering. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 422, 507, 508 when the subject matter is of the same nature. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: To be determined by special topic; third-year standing in Science; and permission of the department head.
CHEM_O 424 (3) Organometallic Catalysts
An advanced course describing selected recent developments in catalytic applications of organo-transition metal chemistry. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 424 or CHEM 524. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 338.
CHEM_O 426 (3) Advanced Inorganic Synthesis
New synthetic techniques and strategies in transition-metal chemistry and frontiers of stoichiometric activation reactions, as illustrated with recent literature examples. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 426 or CHEM 525. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 338.
CHEM_O 429 (3) Main Group Chemistry
Principles, patterns, and trends of the characteristic structures, bonding, and reactivity of compounds of the s- and p-block elements, including aspects relevant to polymer chemistry, materials chemistry, industrial chemistry, and advanced main group synthesis. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 429 or CHEM 529. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 220 and one of CHEM 204, CHEM 214.
CHEM_O 434 (3) Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
Gas, liquid, and supercritical fluid chromatography. Mass spectrometry: ionization processes, mass analyses, ion molecule reactions, fragmentation processes. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 434 or CHEM 411. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 311.
CHEM_O 447 (3) Directed Studies in Chemistry Literature and Data Analysis
Comprehensive survey, analysis, and critical evaluation of a topic selected in consultation with a faculty member. May involve comprehensive review of a literature topic or hypothesis-driven data analysis. Sources may include published research literature and information databases relevant to chemistry. Includes both a written manuscript and either an oral or poster presentation summarizing the survey findings. It is recommended that CHEM 447 not be taken until a student's final year of study. Prerequisite: Fourth year standing in the Chemistry or Environmental Chemistry Major with a minimum overall grade average of 72%, and approval of both the Chemistry Curriculum Committee and a faculty supervisor.
CHEM_O 448 (3-6) Directed Studies in Chemistry, Independent Study Format
Original research under the direction of a faculty member for either one (3 credits) or two (6 credits) semesters. Includes a written thesis and poster presentation. It is recommended that CHEM_O 448 not be taken until a student's final year of study. Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing in the Chemistry or Environmental Chemistry Major, or the BSUST Green Chemistry concentration, with a minimum overall grade average of 72%, and approval of both the Chemistry Curriculum Committee and a faculty supervisor.
CHEM_O 449 (6) Honours Thesis
Original research work under the direction of a faculty member. A written thesis, public poster presentation, and public thesis defence is required. It is recommended that CHEM 449 not be taken until a student's final year of study. Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing in the Chemistry or Environmental Chemistry Major with a minimum overall grade average of 76% (in all courses taken applicable to the Chemistry Major) and approval of the Chemistry Curriculum Committee.
Integrated laboratory course designed to illustrate principles of modern inorganic chemistry. [0-6-0] Prerequisite: Two of CHEM 335, CHEM 336, CHEM 337, CHEM 338.
Integrated laboratory course designed to illustrate principles of modern organic chemistry. [0-6-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 330 and one of CHEM 317, CHEM 333, CHEM 413.
CHEM_O 464 (3) Advanced Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Laboratory
Integrated laboratory course designed to illustrate principles of modern physical and biophysical chemistry. [0-6-0] Prerequisite: Two of CHEM 304, CHEM 305, CHEM 312.
CHEM_O 465 (3) Advanced Chemistry Laboratory in Special Topics
Integrated laboratory course designed to illustrate principles of a selected aspect of modern chemistry. The exact topic of investigation will be determined with each course offering. [0-6-0] Prerequisite: To be determined based on the topic offered.
CHEM_O 474 (3) Solar Energy
Solar energy conversion approaches from the three main types: photosynthesis, photovoltaics, and solar thermal. Semiconductor properties; molecular and semiconductor photophysical processes; power conversion efficiencies. Literature discussions on recent topics in solar energy conversion. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 474 or CHEM 574. [3-0-0] Pre-requisite: CHEM 201. CHEM 304 is recommended.
CHEM_O 477 (3) Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
Biophysical principles underpinning various molecular and cellular processes. Statistical mechanics, biophysics of macromolecules, DNA mechanics. Singlemolecule fluorescence, super-resolution microscopy, and DNA sequencing. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOC 477, CHEM 477 or CHEM 577. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 481 (3) Organic Synthesis
Total syntheses of complex natural products. Analysis of chemical reactions according to fundamental principles of reactivity and selectivity. Frontier molecular orbitals, molecular rearrangements, radical reactions, metal-catalyzed reactions, and synthetic strategies. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 481 or CHEM 581. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: CHEM 330.
CHEM_O 482 (3) Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Synthesis
Reactivity, thermodynamics, and kinetics. Nucleophile categories, oxidation, and controlling stereoselectivity using modern reagents and predictive models. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 482 or CHEM 582. [3-0-0] Prerequisites: All of CHEM 203, CHEM 204, CHEM 330, and CHEM 333.
CHEM_O 484 (3) Chemical Biology
Using molecules to study and control biological systems. Chemical probes design, chemical genetics, bioorthogonal chemistry, protein dynamics, fluorescence techniques, protein-protein interactions, unnatural amino acids. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM_O 484 or CHEM_O 584. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing in the B.Sc..
CHEM_O 485 (3) Natural Product Biosynthesis and Synthetic Biology
Origin and Biosynthesis of natural products used as flavors, commodities, and medicines. New approaches to identification, elucidation, characterization, and production of natural products, including: biological chemistry, omics, metabolic engineering, and synthetic biology. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOC_O 406, CHEM_O 485 or CHEM_O 585. [3-0-0] Prerequisites: CHEM_O 204 or 214, and all of BIOC_O 310, BIOL_O 319, BIOC_O 305.
CHEM_O 507 (3-9) Topics in Physical Chemistry, Laboratory and Lecture Format
Seminar presentation required based on current literature in the field. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 507, 508, or CHEM 422 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
CHEM_O 508 (3-9) Topics in Physical Chemistry, Lecture Format
Seminar presentation required based on current literature in the field. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 507, 508, 422 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
CHEM_O 519 (3) Building Scientific Instrumentation
Constructionist course using off-the-shelf basic components. Data acquisition and analysis in scientific instrumentation. Design of electrical circuits, code graphical user interfaces, set up hardware and/or optical systems as part of an instrument. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM_O 519 or CHEM_O 319. [3-3-0]
CHEM_O 521 (3-9) Topics in Inorganic Chemistry, Laboratory and Lecture Format
Seminar presentation required based on current literature in the field. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 521, CHEM 522 or CHEM 422 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
CHEM_O 522 (3-9) Topics in Inorganic Chemistry, Lecture Format
Seminar presentation required based on current literature in the field. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 521, 522, 422 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
CHEM_O 524 (3) Organometallic Catalysts
An advanced course describing selected recent developments in catalytic applications of organo-transition metal chemistry. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 524 or CHEM 424. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 525 (3) Advanced Inorganic Synthesis
New synthetic techniques and strategies in transition-metal chemistry and frontiers of stoichiometric activation reactions, as illustrated with recent literature examples. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 525 or CHEM 426. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 529 (3) Main Group Chemistry
Principles, patterns, and trends of the characteristic structures, bonding, and reactivity of compounds of the s- and p-block elements, including aspects relevant to polymer chemistry, materials chemistry, industrial chemistry, and advanced main group synthesis. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 529 or CHEM 429. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 533 (3) Metabolomics
Chemical analysis of the metabolites in biological samples. Targeted and untargeted metabolomics, chemometrics, metabolite identification, pathway and network mapping, data interpretation and presentation. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 533, CHEM 412 or BIOC 412. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 534 (3) Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
Gas, liquid, and supercritical fluid chromatography. Mass spectrometry: ionization processes, mass analyses, ion molecule reactions, fragmentation processes. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 535 (3-9) Topics in Analytical Chemistry, Independent Study Format
Seminar presentation required based on current literature in the field. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 535, 536, 537 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
CHEM_O 536 (3-9) Topics in Analytical Chemistry, Lecture and Laboratory Format
Seminar presentation required based on current literature in the field. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 535, 536, 537 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
CHEM_O 537 (3-9) Topics in Analytical Chemistry, Lecture Format
Seminar presentation required based on current literature in the field. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 535, 536, 537 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
CHEM_O 540 (1) Graduate Seminar in Chemistry
Students present a one-hour lecture on a topic agreed upon jointly with the instructor, but unrelated to their previous or current research projects. Students will be assessed on their seminar and a related written paper. [2-0-0]
CHEM_O 549 (23) M.Sc. Thesis
CHEM_O 567 (3-9) Topics in Organic Chemistry, Laboratory and Lecture Format
Seminar presentation required based on current literature in the field. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 567, 568, 422 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
CHEM_O 568 (3-9) Topics in Organic Chemistry, Lecture Format
Seminar presentation required based on current literature in the field. With different topics, the course can be taken more than once for credit. Each offering will normally be 3 credits. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 568. 567, 422 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
CHEM_O 569 (3) Advanced Mechanistic Enzymology
The chemistry of enzyme active sites, cofactors, and inhibitors. Enzyme kinetics, thermodynamics, kinetic isotope effects, and other physical methods. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 569, CHEM 403, CHEM 413 or BIOC 403. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 574 (3) Solar Energy
Solar energy conversion approaches from the three main types: photosynthesis, photovoltaics, and solar thermal. Semiconductor properties; molecular and semiconductor photophysical processes; power conversion efficiencies. Literature discussions on recent topics in solar energy conversion. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 574 or CHEM 474. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 577 (3) Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
Biophysical principles underpinning various molecular and cellular processes. Statistical mechanics, biophysics of macromolecules, DNA mechanics. Single-molecule fluorescence, super-resolution microscopy, and DNA sequencing. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 577, CHEM 477 or BIOC 477. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 581 (3) Organic Synthesis
Total syntheses of complex natural products. Analysis of chemical reactions according to fundamental principles of reactivity and selectivity. Frontier molecular orbitals, molecular rearrangements, radical reactions, metal-catalyzed reactions, and synthetic strategies. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 581 or CHEM 481. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 582 (3) Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Synthesis
Reactivity, thermodynamics, and kinetics. Nucleophile categories, oxidation, and controlling stereoselectivity using modern reagents and predictive models. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 582 or CHEM 482. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in a graduate program in Chemistry or Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.
CHEM_O 584 (3) Chemical Biology
Using molecules to study and control biological systems. Chemical probes design, chemical genetics, bioorthogonal chemistry, protein dynamics, fluorescence techniques, protein-protein interactions, unnatural amino acids. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 484 or CHEM 584. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 585 (3) Natural Product Biosynthesis and Synthetic Biology
Origin and Biosynthesis of natural products used as flavors, commodities, and medicines. New approaches to identification, elucidation, characterization, and production of natural products, including: biological chemistry, omics, metabolic engineering, and synthetic biology. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOC 406, CHEM 485 or CHEM 585. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 591 (3) Biocatalysis
Biotechnological application of enzymes and whole cell catalysts for the synthesis of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, and other fine chemicals. Emphasis on enzymes used for organic synthesis, protein and metabolic engineering, and immobilization strategies. Credit will be granted for only one of CHEM 591 or BIOC 425. [3-0-0]
CHEM_O 592 (3) Nucleic Acids - Structure and Function
Biochemical and biophysical properties, applications in modern biotechnology and nanotechnology. DNA/RNA structure and function, physical chemistry, techniques to study structure and function, and DNA bionano-technology such as molecular machines, biosensors, DNA origami, and next-gen sequencing. [3-0-0]