CMPE_O 201 (3) Computing for Science, Engineering, and Technology
Invention and evolution of computers; impact of computing technology on science and engineering including Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0. [3-0-0] Co-requisite: APSC 176 or a three-credit English course.
CMPE_O 246 (3) Computer Engineering Design Studio
Engineering design applied to a teambased project. Embedded systems programming, introduction to principles of machine learning, and application development including for Internet of Things. [3-2-0] Prerequisites: Either APSC_O 169 and APSC_O 177, or COSC_O 111.
CMPE_O 301 (3) Software System and Design for Engineers
Software development life cycle, architectural patterns, design patterns and anti-patterns, model-view-controller pattern, object-oriented design principles, design for scalability and performance, design for maintainability and testability. Software design principles applied to industrial automated systems on a laboratory scale. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: CMPE_O 386.
CMPE_O 386 (3) Industrial Automation
Principle components of industrial automated systems; field devices, programmable logic control (PLC), supervisory control, and manufacturing execution systems. Robotic programming and design of PLC programs; hands-on training on modular production and cyberphysical manufacturing systems on a laboratory scale. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: APSC_O 177.
CMPE_O 401 (3) Deep Learning for Engineers
Neural networks, computation graph, hyper-parameter tuning, regularization, batch normalization, convolutional neural networks, sequential models, recurrent neural networks, natural language processing, applications of deep learning to electrical, civil, mechanical and manufacturing engineering. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing.
CMPE_O 402 (3) Compiler Engineering
Lexical analysis and parsing analysis, semantic analysis, understanding variables, functions, global and local variables, type names and class names, stack frames, instruction selection, register allocation, data flow analysis and optimization, control flow analysis, code generation, loop finding, static single assignment and the optimization. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 177, COSC 222, ENGR 359.
CMPE_O 409 (3) Artifical Intelligence for Robotics
Sensor fusion, state estimation, localization, control, robot planning, machine learning algorithms, artificial neural network, reinforcement learning. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 179, APSC 258, ENGR 360.
CMPE_O 410 (3) Network Security and Encryption
Computer networks, security and privacy, threats and vulnerabilities, intrusion detection, authentication, encryption, and cloud security and Internet of Things security. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc. or B.Sc. Standing.
CMPE_O 461 (3) Introduction to Cloud Networking
Cloud traffic patterns, physical network structure, virtualization techniques, SDN architecture, CDN architecture, inter-data center networking, and application layer techniques. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc. or B.Sc. Standing.
CMPE_O 465 (3) Computer Architecture and Organization
Modern processors, GPUs, quantitative principles and instruction set design; pipelining, superscalar issue, out-of-order execution, branch prediction and speculation; memory hierarchies, caches, virtual addressing, prefetching, coherence, and consistency; computer design trade-offs performance evaluation and benchmarks; multicores, VLIW, on-chip networks, and other advanced architectures. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 262, ENGR 359.
CMPE_O 485 (3) Introduction to Quantum Computing
Qubit states, operations and measurements, quantum circuits, basic quantum algorithms, Grovers algorithm, Shors algorithm, Hamiltonian simulation, quantum programming languages. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 350, ENGR 360.