Creative Writing, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies
CRWR_O: Creative Writing
CRWR_O 150 (3) Introduction to Writing Poetry and Non-Fiction
Introduction to composition and experimentation in the genres of poetry and creative non-fiction. Students will develop a working knowledge of modern aesthetics in poetry and creative nonfiction, as well as an objective appreciation of their own voice in the context of those aesthetics. No more than 6 credits in total will be granted for CRWR 150, CRWR 160. [3-0-0] or [1-0-2] or [2-0-1]
CRWR_O 160 (3) Introduction to Writing Fiction and Drama
Introduction to composition and experimentation in the genres of fiction and drama. Students will develop a working knowledge of modern aesthetics in fiction and drama, as well as an objective appreciation of their own voice in the context of those aesthetics. No more than 6 credits in total will be granted for CRWR 150, CRWR 160. [3-0-0] or [1-0-2] or [2-0-1]
CRWR_O 205 (3) Writing Popular Fiction
Introduction to writing genre fiction, such as fantasy, science fiction, horror, vampire, zombie, mystery, thriller, young adult and other genre fiction. Genres will change annually. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits first-year English
CRWR_O 210 (3) The Power of Story
An interdisciplinary survey on story designed to assist students in the analysis and construction of narratives, exploring how story structure, character, and action create meaning. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of 100-level English.
CRWR_O 216 (3) Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing: Poetry
Intermediate creative writing course. Students are instructed and guided in the writing of poetry, are encouraged to pursue experimentation in poetry, and will participate in the feedback and critique sessions that constitute the workshop method. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: CRWR 150.
CRWR_O 217 (3) Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing: Fiction
Intermediate creative writing course. Students are instructed and guided in the writing of fiction, are encouraged to pursue experimentation in fiction, and will participate in the feedback and critique sessions that constitute the workshop method. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: CRWR 160.
CRWR_O 218 (3) Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing: Playwriting
Intermediate creative writing course. Students are instructed and guided in the writing of plays, are encouraged to pursue experimentation in drama, and will participate in the feedback and critique sessions that constitute the workshop method. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of CRWR 160, THTR 103.
CRWR_O 219 (3) Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing: Non-Fiction
Intermediate creative writing course. Students are instructed and guided in the writing of creative non-fiction, are encouraged to pursue experimentation in creative non-fiction, and will participate in the feedback and critique sessions that constitute the workshop method. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of CRWR 150, ENGL 113, ENGL 114.
CRWR_O 250 (3) Workshop in Creative Writing: Screenwriting
Students are instructed and guided in the writing of screenplays, are encouraged to pursue experimentation in screenwriting, and will participate in the feedback and critique sessions that constitute the workshop method. Credit will be granted for only one of CRWR 250 or FILM 250. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of CRWR 150, CRWR 160, VISA 104, VISA 105, VISA 106, VISA 108, THTR 101, THTR 102. Equivalency: FILM 250
CRWR_O 260 (3) Theory and Practice of Creative Writing
Recommended for students taking Creative Writing, English, Visual Arts, or Performance courses. Introduces students to the history of contemporary forms of creative writing. Students will write on problems of aesthetics and practice various forms. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of ENGL 112, ENGL 113, ENGL 150, ENGL 151, ENGL 153, CRWR 150, CRWR 160.
CRWR_O 310 (3) The Power of Metaphor
An interdisciplinary survey of metaphor, focusing on use and understanding of metaphor in thinking, writing and communication across disciplines, including art, health, science, politics, literature, and technology. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.
CRWR_O 360 (3) Creative Writing and the Racialized Writer
Engages with non-dominant aspects of craft in order to understand the publishing and craft-related decisions made by people of colour (POC) because of their backgrounds. Issues normally discussed as asides in creative writing classes, such as representation, diversity, and appropriation, will be highlighted. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing. Prerequisite: 3 credits of CRWR.
CRWR_O 380 (3) Writing of the Short Story
Advanced workshop in the writing of short fiction. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing. Restricted to Creative Writing Majors and Minors except with permission of the department. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) two of CRWR 205, CRWR 216, CRWR 217, CRWR 218, CRWR 219, CRWR 250, CRWR 260 or (b) two of CRWR 210, CRWR 216, CRWR 217, CRWR 218, CRWR 219, CRWR 250, CRWR 260. For non-majors and non-minors portfolio submission is also required.
CRWR_O 381 (3-6) Writing of Poetry
Advanced workshop in the writing of poetry. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing. Restricted to Creative Writing Majors and Minors except with permission of the department. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) two of CRWR 205, CRWR 216, CRWR 217, CRWR 218, CRWR 219, CRWR 250, CRWR 260 or (b) two of CRWR 210, CRWR 216, CRWR 217, CRWR 218, CRWR 219, CRWR 250, CRWR 260. For non-majors and non-minors portfolio submission is also required.
CRWR_O 382 (3-6) Topics in Creative Writing
Special course in advanced creative writing for senior students in Creative Writing or other Creative Studies programs who wish to work on a special topic not normally covered in other classes. With different topics, this course may be taken more than once for credit. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing. Restricted to Creative Writing Majors and Minors except with permission of the department. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) two of CRWR 205, CRWR 216, CRWR 217, CRWR 218, CRWR 219, CRWR 250, CRWR 260 or (b) two of CRWR 210, CRWR 216, CRWR 217, CRWR 218, CRWR 219, CRWR 250, CRWR 260. For non-majors and non-minors portfolio submission is also required.
CRWR_O 384 (3) Spoken Word
Advanced workshop in writing and performing Spoken Word texts. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing. Credit will be granted for only one of CULT 384, CRWR 384, THTR 384 or CULT 308. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of Creative Writing and/or Theatre. For students without prerequisites, portfolio submission is also required. Equivalency: THTR 384, CULT 384
CRWR_O 385 (3) Writing for Children
Advanced workshop in writing for children and young adults. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing. Restricted to Creative Writing Majors and Minors except with permission of the department. Credit will be granted for only one of CRWR 385 and CRWR 382 when the subject matter is of the same nature. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) two of CRWR 205, CRWR 216, CRWR 217, CRWR 218, CRWR 219, CRWR 250, CRWR 260 or (b) two of CRWR 210, CRWR 216, CRWR 217, CRWR 218, CRWR 219, CRWR 250, CRWR 260. For non-majors and non-minors portfolio submission is also required.
CRWR_O 386 (3) Poetic Forms & Genres
A practice-based exploration of traditional and contemporary poetic forms and genres in English. For non-majors and non-minors portfolio submission is also required. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) two of CRWR 205, CRWR 216, CRWR 217, CRWR 218, CRWR 219, CRWR 250, CRWR 260 or (b) two of CRWR 210, CRWR 216, CRWR 217, CRWR 218, CRWR 219, CRWR 250, CRWR 260. For non-majors and non-minors portfolio submission is also required.
CRWR_O 470 (3-6) Portfolio
Intensive manuscript production in one or two major genres: fiction, poetry, drama, or creative non-fiction. As students begin to shape their portfolios, they will be asked to place their work in a contemporary aesthetic context. [3-0-0] or [1-0-2] Prerequisite: 6 credits from CRWR_O 310, CRWR_O 380, CRWR_O 381, CRWR _O 382, CRWR _O 384, CRWR _O 385, CRWR_O 386, or CRWR 471 with a minimum grade of 72% in each of these two courses. For non-majors and nonminors: portfolio submission also required.
CRWR_O 471 (6) Writing of the Novel
Advanced workshop in the writing of the novel or novella. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing. Restricted to Creative Writing Majors and Minors except with permission of the department. [1-0-2] Prerequisite: 6 credits of Creative Writing, with 3 credits from CRWR_O 205, CRWR_O 217, CRWR_O 218, CRWR_O 250, or CRWR_O 380. For non-majors and non-minors: portfolio submission is also required.
CRWR_O 472 (3) Editing and Publishing
For Creative Writing majors. Develops specialized skills in editing and publishing for success in professional practice. Coursework includes experiential learning with solo and group projects. [0-2-2] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.
CRWR_O 473 (3) Writing and Community Learning
Applied community learning aspects of creative writing. Develops specialized skills for success in professional practice by working in interdisciplinary and collaborative teams with community partners. Field trips will be required. [0-2-2] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.
CRWR_O 474 (3) Writing with Media
Applied and theoretical aspects of writing with media. Develops specialized skills for working with media such as audio installations, broadcast, recordings, live performance, and video. Students will be encouraged to work in interdisciplinary and collaborative modes. [0-2-2] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.
CRWR_O 475 (3) Preparing for a Career as a Writer
Developing professional skills such as sustainable writing practices, preparing work for submission, marketing and promotion. Careers that are within and adjacent to creative writing will also be discussed. Restricted to CRWR Majors except with permission from instructor. [2-2-0]
CRWR_O 485 (3-6) Directed Studies
Students will investigate a creative writing practice and will complete a significant writing project. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing; permission of the Creative Studies department; and permission of the supervising faculty member.
CRWR_O 520 (3) Special Topics in Creative Writing
Prerequisite: Admission into the M.F.A. program with specialization in Creative Writing, or permission of the Department of Creative Studies.
CRWR_O 530 (3) Directed Studies in Creative Writing
Prerequisite: Admission into the M.F.A. program with specialization in Creative Writing, or permission of the Department of Creative Studies.
CRWR_O 581 (3-6) Graduate Workshop in Creative Writing - Lyric
Manuscript production course for in-depth discussion and workshopping of lyric forms. No more than 6 credits in total will be granted for CRWR 581, CRWR 580, or any combination thereof. Prerequisite: Admission into the MFA CRWR program, or submission of a portfolio and permission of the Department of Creative Studies.
CRWR_O 582 (3-6) Graduate Workshop in Creative Writing- Narrative
Manuscript production course for in-depth discussion and workshopping of narrative forms. No more than 6 credits in total will be granted for CRWR 582, CRWR 580, or any combination thereof. Prerequisite: Admission into the MFA CRWR program, or submission of a portfolio and permission of the Department of Creative Studies