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Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education

ECED_O: Early Childhood Education

  1. ECED_O 421 (3) Supporting Young Children through Home, School, and Community Relationships

    Examine the issues and opportunities around supporting young children through the development of effective cooperation between home, school, and community. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]

  2. ECED_O 438 (3) Observation and Documentation in Early Childhood Settings

    Methods of observing, recording, and interpreting children's behaviour in early childhood settings and in using data for educational guidance following developmentally appropriate practices. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]

  3. ECED_O 440 (3) Play and Early Childhood Education

    Examines the key issues, practices, philosophies, and research findings that explore childhood play as it is integrated into formal learning. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]

  4. ECED_O 441 (3) Indigenous Language Nests in Early Learning

    Examines research in education, linguistics, anthropology, and cognitive psychology that pertains to children entering school with particular attention to Indigenous children's language realities. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]

  5. ECED_O 444 (3) Early Numeracy

    Early learners need mathematical activities that nurture numeracy through children's literature, songs, poetry, play, and games. Influences of the family and the environment will be explored. Research and practice will be explored to identify best practices for early numeracy. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]

  6. ECED_O 445 (3) Social Equality and Early Learning

    Examines socio-economic and community factors in early child development and learning that influence healthy child development. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]

  7. ECED_O 463 (3) Early Language and Literacy Development

    The influences of language, emergent literacy, and growth are examined. How reading and writing develop as integrated processes within oral language acquisition is also explored. Credit will be granted for only one of ECED_O 463 or LLED_O 463. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0] Equivalency: LLED_O 463.

  8. ECED_O 480 (3-9) Special Topics in Early Childhood Education

    A study of innovative practices, ideas, and theories in early childhood education. The specific topics may change yearly to reflect changing priorities and interests in early childhood education and the specific interests and competencies of visiting and regular faculty. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]

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