Students will examine basic and fundamental questions about educational policy and practice by critically examining a variety of controversial issues including, but not limited to, issues of equality, community, and individual rights and freedoms. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Students must have one of a) 70% in English 12 or English 12 First Peoples; b) a 5 on the LPI; c) a passing grade in ENGL 009; d) or an acceptable equivalent. For a list of equivalency options consult the Current Students website at .
EDUC_O 104 (3) Introduction to Academic Pedagogy: An Aboriginal Perspective
Using an Aboriginal approach to the cycle of learning, this developmental course provides an opportunity for first-year students to learn essential skills needed for academic success. [3-0-0]
EDUC_O 160 (3) Mathematical Reasoning for Arts and Education
For Arts and prospective Education students who wish to gain a deeper understanding of mathematics. Using the approach of problem solving and logical reasoning throughout, topics are chosen from discrete mathematics, elementary number theory, probability and statistics, measurement and geometry, linear algebra, and applications. Credit will only be granted for one of MATH 160 or EDUC 160. Cannot be used for credit toward a B.Sc. or B.M.S. degree, or for the B.A. Major in Mathematics program. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus 11. Equivalency: MATH 160.
EDUC_O 300 (3) Inquiry in Education
An introduction to the distinctive manner in which core concepts and methods of scholarly inquiry are applied to education as a field of inquiry. Through a variety of hands-on learning activities, readings, seminars, discussions, and personal reflection students will explore the processes and products of inquiry. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing. [3-0-0]
EDUC_O 400 (3) Designing and Facilitating Effective Learning Experiences
Leverage evidence based principles, approaches, methods, and strategies to design and facilitate effective learning experiences. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing. [3-0-0]
EDUC_O 403 (6) Becoming a Scholar-Practitioner
The cultivation of knowledge and understanding regarding the interdisciplinary foundations of educational principles, policies and practices, all of which are examined through large group contexts, seminars and field experiences. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Education Program.
EDUC_O 431 (6) Developing a Pedagogical Stance
Foundational pedagogical knowledge and practice explored through seminars, colloquia and site-based learning where teacher candidates develop their practice and understandings related to diversity, literacies, numeracy and learning theories. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Education Program.
EDUC_O 436 (5) Developing Curricular Vision for a Democratic Society: Educational Purposes, Policies, and Practices, Part I
Examines the nature of curriculum focusing on the humanities and languages. Opportunities and challenges of developing curriculum for schooling are considered within contemporary political, legal, moral, administrative, and policy contexts. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Education Program.
EDUC_O 437 (5) Developing Curricular Vision for a Democratic Society: Educational Purposes, Policies, and Practices, Part 2
Invites students to consider ways of embodying interdisciplinary learning in an advanced democracy focusing on the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. The roles of inquiry, critical reflection, creativity and innovation in teaching and learning will be foregrounded. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Education Program.
EDUC_O 438 (4) Educating for the Whole Person
Teaching and learning theory and practice relating to a holistic approach to wellbeing. Examining and interpreting the research on philosophical, psychological, physiological and political aspects of wellbeing. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Education Program.
EDUC_O 440 (3) Field Experience: Literacies and Numeracies in Action
Foundational pedagogical knowledge and practice will be explored through school-based inquiry. With a focus on literacies and numeracies in action, teacher candidates will work with mentor teachers in weekly school visits and then complete a minor practicum. Mentor teachers will take the lead in planning and curriculum enactment while the teacher candidate observes, works with individuals or small groups, and conducts teaching responsibilities as deemed fitting. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Education Program.
EDUC_O 441 (5) Field Experience: Formative Practicum
Working collaboratively in a school context, mentor teachers and teacher candidates co-plan, co-teach and co-assess. Insight into the significance of personal practical knowledge by engaging in dialogue, observation, and reflection concerning why the mentor teacher orients practices in particular ways, using specific strategies, resources, and lesson sequences. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Education Program.
EDUC_O 442 (5) Community Field Experience
Alternate field experience to broaden the teacher candidate's concept of educational spaces and opportunities. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Education Program.
EDUC_O 444 (15) Field Experience: Final Practicum/Internship
Extended immersion in a school community, co-planning/co-teaching/co-assessing with mentors and other colleagues and, with demonstrated competency, assume the lead in planning and curricular enactment with the support of mentor teachers. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Education Program.
EDUC_O 462 (1-12) Special Topics in Education
With the consent of the Faculty of Education, this course may be taken by upgrading or continuing students who wish to undertake further studies in special areas of curricula. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail.
EDUC_O 500 (3) Research Methodology in Education Part I
An introductory course examining various issues, methods and techniques used in educational research. Consideration is given to research strategies and techniques and the selection of research questions appropriate to a range of issues facing educators. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 501 (3) Research Methodology in Education Part II
Seminar examining specific issues, methods, and techniques used in educational research. Consideration is given to individual student's research interests. Research strategies and techniques and the selection of research questions appropriate to thesis topics will guide the course design. Prerequisite: EDUC_O 500 recommended. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 502 (3) Teacher as Researcher
Aims to broaden and enhance educators' research literacy skills and ability to read a range of empirical peer-reviewed findings that hold potential to shape their engagement in their coursework and their applied practice. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 517 (3-6) Contemporary Issues in Education
Examination of a range of issues impacting education in provincial, national, and global perspectives. Socio/cultural issues, politics and educational policy, violence and safety, impact of technology on teaching and learning, and preparation of educators in a changing culture. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 521 (3) Readings and Discourse in Education
Provides an opportunity to undertake inquiry into literature of specialized areas/disciplines, narrowing the focus of readings and discourse in development of the thesis or project. Explores the importance of a theoretical framework to guide/support inquiry. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 522 (3) Foundations of Language and Literacy Development: Research to Practice
Inquiry-based course critically examining the role of literacy in learning and cognition across educational contexts. Theories of reading development and the science of reading will inform framework for applying research to practice. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 524 (3) Language Teaching and Learning
Intended for a broad cross-section of educators with varying experiences in language teaching and learning, this course conceptualizes additional and official language acquisition from multiple angles in child, adolescent, and adult contexts. Key issues, concepts, and theoretical perspectives are evaluated and explored with emphasis on current empirical research. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 526 (3) Teaching and Learning through an EDI Lens
Overview of current diversity theory and practice. Focuses on the social construction of differences, the theoretical underpinnings of diversity, and oppression theory/practice in a Canadian and world educational context with an emphasis on language, culture, and society. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 527 (3) Global Education, Citizenship, and Cross-Cultural Conceptions of Teaching and Learning
Enables learners to explore the inherent values, assumptions, and ideologies that inform the spectrum of global educations and cross-cultural conceptions of teaching and learning, and examines understandings of these complex and contested notions. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 528 (3) Theory and Practice in Inclusive Education
An inquiry-oriented course designed for educators interested in inclusive aspects of special education. Participants will explore pedagogical, attitudinal, and systemic barriers to inclusion. Related theory and research-based inclusive approaches will serve as resources for individual and group inquiries. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 529 (3) Community-Engaged Research
The intent of this course is to explore the systemic factors of education in conjunction with its communities and other organizations so that students will be well versed, practically and theoretically, to flexibly engage varied stakeholders in education. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 534 (3) Coyote Stories: Pedagogy and Praxis
Examines how respective Indigenous traditional knowledge stories and storytelling practices inform organic theoretical frameworks, pedagogy, and praxis in place-based schooling, community, and peoples transforming projects. Credit will be granted for only one of EDUC_O 534 and EDUC-O 562 when the subject matter is of the same nature. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 540 (3) Navigating Educational Controversy: Values, Policy, and Ethics
Examination of fundamental educational questions and their bearing on contemporary debates over the nature, scope, policy and practice of teaching and learning. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 560 (3-6) Directed Studies in Education
Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 562 (3-9) Special Topics in Education
Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.
EDUC_O 598 (3) M.Ed. Seminar with Project
Building on coursework completed during the master's program, this course supports students in the development of their M.Ed. exit projects. It provides scaffolding for the conceptualization, development, and completion of projects that will meet or exceed the requirements for both graduate programs and teacher qualification standards. Pass/Fail. Restricted to M.Ed. students.
EDUC_O 599 (6) Senior Seminar with Thesis
Pass/Fail. Restricted to Education students in the M.A. program.
EDUC_O 600 (3) Research Seminar I: Project Fundamentals
Examining inquiry frameworks as a mode of investigation. Issues, methods and techniques used in educational research. Consideration is given to research strategies and techniques and the selection of research questions appropriate to a range of issues facing scholar-practitioners. Restricted to students in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.).
EDUC_O 601 (3) Research Seminar II: Design
Designed to help students prepare the components of their research proposal. Research tools and techniques commonly used for researching leadership and organizational improvement practices, including research ethics will guide the course design. Restricted to students in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.).
EDUC_O 698 (6) Dissertation Seminar
Building on coursework completed during the Ed.D. program, this course supports students in the development of their Practice-Based Dissertation and provides scaffolding for the conceptualization, development, and completion of projects that will meet or exceed the requirements for the Ed.D. graduate program. Restricted to students in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.).