Educational Psychology and Special Education, Faculty of Education
EPSE_O: Educational Psychology and Special Education
EPSE_O 406 (3) Typical and Atypical Development in Infants and Children
A review of typical development, and primary focus on issues of atypical development in infants and young children, including fetal alcohol syndrome, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, and vision or hearing impairments. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 407 (3) Developmental Disabilities
Development of Individualized Program Plans for children with mild, moderate, and severe intellectual delays. Topics covered include the diagnostic process for determining the severity of an intellectual delay, the interpretation of diagnostic information, and how to construct appropriate educational programs for children. Credit will be granted for only one of EPSE_O 407 and 470J when the subject matter is of the same nature. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 421 (3) Assessment of Learning Difficulties
Current research and best practices on the process of assessment for students with learning difficulties. Restricted to students in the Okanagan School of Education and practicing educators. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 431 (3) Programming for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities
Current research and best practices in program development and planning interventions for children with learning disabilities. Restricted to students in the Okanagan School of Education and practicing educators. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 433 (3) Assessment and Positive Behavioural Support in School and Community Settings
Introduces students to the philosophy and methods of behavioural assessment and positive behavioural support with persons who engage in challenging behaviour in school and community contexts. Includes instructional and environmental strategies for preventing and responding effectively to behaviour challenges in educational contexts. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 437 (3) Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Behaviour Disorders
Philosophy and methods of best inclusionary practices for meeting the social and emotional needs of students with complex behaviour disorders within the classroom, school context, and community. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 464 (3) Literacy for Diverse Learners in the Elementary Grades
Key issues, research, and practice are examined to improve literacy achievement for primary students with a range of reading and writing difficulties. Credit will be granted for only one of EPSE_O 464 or LLED_O 464. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0] Equivalency: LLED_O 464.
EPSE_O 465 (3) Literacy for Diverse Learners in Middle and Secondary Grades
Key issues, research, and practice are examined to improve literacy achievement for students (intermediate and above) with a range of reading and writing difficulties. Credit will be granted for only one of EPSE_O 465 or LLED_O 465. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0] Equivalency: LLED_O 465.
EPSE_O 466 (3) Numeracy for Diverse Learners
Research and practical issues related to numeracy will be examined with the intent of improving numeracy for diverse students with a range of difficulties in mathematics. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 467 (3) Social and Emotional Development of Diverse Learners
Research and best practices will be examined with the intent of improving supportive educational programs for children within inclusive classrooms. Emphasis will be placed on developing supportive behaviour plans for children with various social and emotional needs. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 468 (3) Creating Positive Learning Environments for Inclusive Education
Focuses upon current research and practice that emphasize the inclusion of all students. Best practices in classroom management, social skill instruction, cooperative learning, and conflict resolution will be covered. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 469 (3) Education for Students with Sensory Loss or Motor Impairments
The unique learning needs of children with sensory loss and motor impairments are examined. This course will cover best practices in planning individualized adaptations and modifications within an inclusive classroom setting. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 470 (3-9) Selected Topics in Inclusive Education
Course content focuses upon a single topic or competency in inclusive education (e.g., autism, gifted students, ADHD). Topics may differ in each offering to respond to new research or current needs in the field. This course may be repeated with new content. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 471 (3-6) Applied Project in Inclusive Education
Research and practice is undertaken in classroom settings. Participants are given opportunities to work with students with diverse needs. This course may be repeated with new content. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 472 (3) Issues in Inclusive Education
Foundational literature, research, practice, and policies are examined to provide recommendations for best practice and strategies for developing inclusive classrooms. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
EPSE_O 565 (3-6) Special Topics in Inclusive Education
Designed to bring professionals up-to-date in recent developments in the field. Restricted to Education students in the M.A., M.Ed. or Ed.D. programs.