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Health-Interprofessional, Faculty of Health and Social Development

HINT_O: Health-Interprofessional

  1. HINT_O 110 (3) Applied Research in Health

    Basic statistical concepts and procedures with the goal of developing statistical literacy in health care contexts. Includes how descriptive and inferential statistical methods are used to interpret nursing research. [3-0-0]

  2. HINT_O 231 (3) Pathophysiology for Health Sciences

    Basic pathophysiology associated with selected diseases and disorders that are commonly encountered by health practitioners in Canada. Pathophysiology, etiology, as well as some of the signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatments currently associated with each disorder. Credit will be granted for either HINT 231 or HKMN 335. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133.

  3. HINT_O 320 (3) Global Health

    Emerging health issues and trends, evidence-informed approaches and ethical concerns within the context of the global health and global healthcare. Credit will be granted for only one of HINT 320 and NRSG 320 or HEAL 307. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing

  4. HINT_O 321 (3) Planetary Health / Human Health

    Grounded in current and continually advancing environmental knowledge and health research, this course explores planetary health, its environmental link and inherent impact to human health. Issues of health equity, Indigenous ways of knowing and possible solutions to mitigate the impact of planetary health on human health will be explored. Restricted to students with at least Third Year Standing. [3-0-0]

  5. HINT_O 331 (3) Nutrition for Health Sciences

    Introduction to the dietary requirements of nutrients and their related sources, metabolism, and functions. Nutrition in the context promoting health, preventing disease, and managing illness will be the focus, incorporating tools and knowledge about healthy food choices and dietary habits based on scientific evidence. Current nutritional issues will also be discussed. Credit will only be granted for one of HES 200, HMKN 323 or HINT 331. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133.

  6. HINT_O 408 (3) Cultural Safety in Health: Indigenous Perspectives

    A critical exploration of cultural identity and racism (historical and contemporary) within health systems to help students develop competencies for improved sensitivity and responsiveness to Aboriginal people within health care, research, institutions, and community. Credit will be granted for only one of HINT 408 or HINT 508. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

  7. HINT_O 429 (3) Advanced Global Health

    Grounded in critical, decolonizing, and equity-advancing theory, research, and practices, this course explores current consensus on what constitutes ethical engagement in global health, collective responses to inherently global issues. Credit will be granted for only one of NRSG 429, HINT 429, or HINT 529. [3-0-0] Restricted to students with third-year standing.

  8. HINT_O 504 (3) Qualitative Methods: Interdisciplinary Health

    Understanding the predominant approaches in qualitative health research. Knowledge and skills in conducting qualitative research, including methodology, research design, data collection, data analysis, and communication of findings.

  9. HINT_O 508 (3) Cultural Safety in Health: Indigenous Perspectives

    A critical exploration of cultural identity and racism (historical and contemporary) within health systems to help students develop competencies for improved sensitivity and responsiveness to Aboriginal people within health care, research, institutions, and community. Credit will be granted for only one of HINT 408 or HINT 508. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

  10. HINT_O 511 (3) Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Health Research

    Seminar in special topics relevant to interdisciplinary health research. Topics will vary.

  11. HINT_O 512 (3) Special Topics in Interprofessional Practice

    Seminar in special topics relevant to interprofessional practice not covered by other courses. Topics will vary. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

  12. HINT_O 522 (3) Leadership in Human Service Organizations

    Examines the theory and practice of leadership in human service organizations. Provides an in-depth understanding of the complex range of environmental, community, organizational, ethical, and professional contexts of managing or supervising in modern agencies.

  13. HINT_O 524 (3) Interprofessional Practice Issues in Healthy Aging

    Critical examination of multi-disciplinary theories, models, and concepts associated with healthy aging. Offers an understanding of the standards, roles, and contributions associated with various disciplines within interdisciplinary community-based health teams.

  14. HINT_O 525 (3) Disabilities Studies and Interprofessional Health Care

    Examination of disability studies and its relationship to clinical practice. Various theoretical frameworks used to understand disability and their implications for practice are critically examined.

  15. HINT_O 529 (3) Advanced Global Health

    Grounded in critical, decolonizing, and equity-advancing theory, research, and practices, this course rigorously examines current consensus on what constitutes ethical engagement in global health, collective responses to inherently global issues. Credit will be granted for only one of NRSG 429, HINT 429, or HINT 529. [3-0-0] Restricted to students in a Masters or PhD program.

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