Introduction to the Faculty of Management and traditional areas of business including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour, operations, business policy, information systems and entrepreneurship. Identifies the steps needed to build and manage successful local, national, and international competitive businesses and organizations. Introduces ethical and policy decisions faced by businesses, organizations and governments. Open to all students. [3-0-0]
MGMT_O 110 (3) Introduction to Management Thought and Social Responsibility
Introduces management thought in business and organizations. Utilizes critical thinking in socially and ethically responsible decisions at a corporate and personal level. Includes managing responsibly through people, mass production, ethical and socially-responsible practices. Covers start-ups, entrepreneurs, family business, non-profit/for-profit organizations and governments in global regions. Open to all students. [3-0-0]
MGMT_O 201 (3) Introduction to Financial Accounting
Construction and interpretation of financial statements. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 100 and either (a) MATH 100 or (b) MATH 116. Second-year standing and 3 credits of ENGL. Corequisite: MGMT 110.
MGMT_O 202 (3) Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Major issues and methods of managerial accounting and how they are used by companies to enhance the quality of their management decisions. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 201. and second-year standing.
MGMT_O 220 (3) Introduction to Marketing
Concepts, analyses, and activities that comprise marketing management; practice with assessing and solving marketing problems. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of MGMT 100, PSYO 111. Second-year standing and 3 credits of ENGL. Corequisite: MGMT 110.
MGMT_O 230 (3) Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
Theories and concepts. Research, analytic, and behavioural skills aimed at understanding and managing the behaviour of individuals and groups in organizations. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of MGMT 100, PSYO 111. Second-year standing, 3 credits of STAT and 3 credits of ENGL. Corequisite: MGMT 110.
MGMT_O 240 (3) Introduction to Management Communications
Opportunity for students to improve abilities to communicate effectively, regardless of the particular medium or situation. Enhances understanding of factors contributing to group effectiveness, and develops skills in working effectively as a member of a group or project team. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 100. Second-year standing and 3 credits of ENGL. Corequisite: MGMT 110.
MGMT_O 250 (3) Introduction to Information Technology Management
IT managerial issues and their impact on small and medium enterprises and their people. [3-1-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 100. Second-year standing and 3 credits of ENGL. Corequisite: MGMT 110.
MGMT_O 290 (3) Industry Analysis Project
Applications of management concepts to the study of the nature and dynamics of an industry. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of MGMT 100, ECON 101. Second-year standing and 3 credits of ENGL. Corequisite: All of MGMT 110, MGMT 201.
MGMT_O 300 (3) Intermediate Financial Accounting I
Environment of financial reporting, standard-setting process, and conceptual framework that underlies financial reporting in Canada. Focuses primarily on accounting for assets. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 201. Corequisite: MGMT 310.
MGMT_O 304 (3) Intermediate Financial Accounting II
Environment of financial reporting, standard-setting process, and conceptual framework that underlies financial reporting in Canada. Focuses primarily on accounting for liabilities and equity. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 300.
MGMT_O 310 (3) Introduction to Finance
Framework development for analyzing a firm's investment and financing decisions and a foundation in the basic concepts underlying modern corporate finance. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) MATH 100 or (b) MATH 116; and one of MGMT 202, MGMT 220, MGMT 230, MGMT 240, MGMT 250, MGMT 290. Corequisite: MGMT 201.
MGMT_O 319 (3-6) Special Topics in Management
Explores the latest concepts and issues in management. Change management, history of management thought, cooperative strategy, management decision making, public sector management, and other related topics within the field of management. It is not intended for topics routinely covered in the curriculum. Credit will be granted for only one of MGMT 319 or MGMT 419 when the subject matter is of the same nature. Prerequisite: All of MGMT 100, MGMT 110. Third-year standing.
MGMT_O 329 (3-6) Special Topics in Information Technology Management
Explores the latest concepts and/or issues in information technology management (ITM). Data warehousing, IS security, IT auditing and control, global ITM, and other related topics within the field of ITM. Not intended for topics routinely covered in the curriculum. Credit will be granted for only one of MGMT 329 or MGMT 429 when the subject matter is of the same nature. Prerequisite: MGMT 250. Third-year standing.
MGMT_O 339 (3-6) Special Topics in Finance
Latest concepts and/or issues in finance. Corporate bankruptcy, financial trading strategies, international banking, and other related topics within the field of finance. Not intended for topics routinely covered in the curriculum. Credit will be granted for only one of MGMT 339 or MGMT 439 when the subject matter is of the same nature. Prerequisite: MGMT 310. Third-year standing.
MGMT_O 349 (3-6) Special Topics in Marketing
Latest concepts and/or issues in marketing. Marketing research, consumer behaviour, e-marketing, international marketing, sales management, and other related topics within the field of marketing. Not intended for topics routinely covered in the curriculum. Credit will be granted for only one of MGMT 349 or MGMT 449 when the subject matter is of the same nature. Prerequisite: MGMT 220. Third-year standing.
MGMT_O 355 (3) Operations Management
Introduction to the strategic and tactical decisions of operations management as it applies to both service and manufacturing sectors. Topics include process and technology choice, process flow, layout of facilities, capacity and resource planning, inventory control, lean systems, quality management, and quality control. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) MATH 100 or (b) MATH 116; and two of MGMT 201, MGMT 202, MGMT 220, MGMT 230, MGMT 240, MGMT 250, MGMT 290. And 3 credits of STAT.
MGMT_O 360 (3) Business Conditions Analysis
Basic tools and concepts of macroeconomics; review of the non-market factors that influence the effective performance of organizations. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 290 and one of MGMT 201, MGMT 202, MGMT 220, MGMT 230, MGMT 240, MGMT 250.
MGMT_O 380 (3) Sustainability and Business
Sustainable development issues and current thinking regarding sustainability and its implications for businesses and their managers. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of MGMT 201, MGMT 202, MGMT 220, MGMT 230, MGMT 240, MGMT 250, MGMT 290.
MGMT_O 395 (3) Directed Studies in Management
Opportunity for supervised research in a clearly-defined area in the field of management. This research will lead to a major research paper. The topic will be agreed upon by the supervising faculty member, the student, and the dean. This course may not duplicate existing courses which are part of the regular curricular offering of the Faculty of Management. The course may be taken over one or two terms. Prerequisite: All of MGMT 100, MGMT 110. Third-year standing.
MGMT_O 401 (3) Intermediate Managerial Accounting
Implementation and evaluation of cost systems for management and decision making. Cost issues include: accumulating and analyzing costs using actual and standard approaches, overhead allocation, and cost estimation. Management topics include: pricing, production and investment decisions, revenue analysis, performance evaluation, management incentive systems, and strategy analysis. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 202.
MGMT_O 402 (3) Introduction to Income Taxes in Canada
Introduction to the Income Tax Act (Canada). Focuses on fundamental tax principles as well as developing familiarity in using the Income Tax Act and other tax research tools. Topics include sources of income, computing income for tax purposes for individuals and corporations, tax planning opportunities, and other tax issues. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 201.
MGMT_O 403 (3) Auditing and Assurance Services
Focuses on the external auditor's provision of assurance services on financial information. Topics include: society's demand for various assurance services; the role, profession, ethics, independence, and liability of the assurance provider; assurance risk and strategy; assurance planning, operations, and reports; computerization and internal control; and emerging assurance services. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT_O 304. Corequisite: Either (a) MGMT_O 429 or (b) DATA_O 301 or (c) COSC_O 301.
MGMT_O 404 (3) Advanced Financial Accounting
Analyzes the concepts and practices underlying financial reporting in more complex areas such as business combinations, multinational operations, future income taxes, and not-for-profit organizations. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 304.
MGMT_O 405 (3) Advanced Managerial Accounting
Examines the integrative and interdisciplinary role of managerial accounting and its contribution in the strategic management process, including analysis and managerial control. Focuses on cases that deal with management's need for information planning and decision making. Develops analytical, communication, and presentation skills using contemporary management issues. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT_O 401. Corequisite: Either (a) MGMT_O 429 or (b) DATA _O 301 or (c) COSC_O 301.
MGMT_O 410 (3) Leadership in Complex Environments
Examinations of theoretical and practical approaches to leadership and conflict resolution. Topics covered include distinguishing between authority and leadership, technical problems and adaptive challenges, power and progress, diagnostic frameworks for assessment and strategies, and tactics of intervention to mobilize progress. Also explored is the nature of conflict, its role in human social systems, and ways to address its negative impacts and harness its positive possibilities. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 230. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 411 (3) Human Resources Management
Develops an understanding of the diverse areas in human resources management. Examines analysis, planning, staffing, performance evaluation, compensation, training and development, labor relations, employee safety, health, human resource management, and an understanding of cultural differences and its impact on the organization. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 230. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 412 (3) Negotiations
Theory and processes of negotiation as it is practiced in a variety of settings. Develop skills experientially, understand useful analytical frameworks, and appreciate the role of emotion in a broad spectrum of negotiation situations. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 230. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 414 (3) Managing and Leading Non-Profit and Public Sector Organizations
Comprehensive perspective on the social non-profit sector and the critical role that leading and managing plays in the success and sustainability of any enterprise. Examine the key elements (vision, strategy, human resource management, financing, fund development, and strategic relationships) of operating the business of a successful social non-profit organization. Prerequisite: MGMT 230. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 419 (3-6) Special Topics in Management
Explores the latest concepts and issues in management. Change management, history of management thought, cooperative strategy, management decision making, public sector management, and other related topics within the field of management. It is not intended for topics routinely covered in the curriculum. Credit will be granted for only one of MGMT 419 or MGMT 319 when the subject matter is of the same nature. Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing.
MGMT_O 421 (3) Globalization, Offshoring and Outsourcing
Explores, from a strategic perspective, Canadian and global businesses and their wider economic environment. Special emphasis on the impact of information technology used to enable outsourcing, offshoring and joint ventures in the conduct of global trade. Topics further include: government policy, global value chain analysis, and the benefits and downsides of outsourcing and/or offshoring. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 290 and MGMT 355. Third-year standing.
MGMT_O 422 (3) Project Management
Provides the knowledge and skills to successfully initiate, plan, manage, control, and report on projects. Conveys the importance of proper planning, documentation, scope and change control, and quality and risk management. Also covers the people skills required in the areas of team selection, structure, motivation, interviewing, presentation, conflict resolution, and leadership, all of which are critical factors in project management. [3-1-0] Prerequisite: One of MGMT 230, MGMT 250. Third-year standing.
MGMT_O 423 (3) E-Commerce
Overview of e-commerce from a managerial perspective, with emphasis on the three major driving forces behind e-commerce: technology change, business development, and social controversies. Concepts and frameworks for e-commerce with which to examine existing e-commerce models, new e-commerce opportunities, the prevalent enabling technology, strategic issues confronting new Internet ventures, privacy and intellectual property. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of MGMT 220, MGMT 250. Third-year standing.
MGMT_O 424 (3) Enterprise Systems Management
Examines enterprise systems and its components including enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relations management (CRM), and supply chain management (SCM). Integration of enterprise-wide information systems and the managerial and technical issues in planning, designing, acquiring, implementing, and extending enterprise systems. Includes first-hand experience with a commercial ERP system software package. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 250. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 425 (3) Strategies in Entrepreneurial Technology
Examines strategic execution in entrepreneurial settings and startups, latest concepts and/or issues in entrepreneurial technology, entrepreneurial behaviours in larger organizations, new business models, technology-based businesses, IT Platforms and open services organizations that impact global entrepreneurial management and other related topics affecting strategic execution. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing. Corequisite: Either (a) MGMT 100 or (b) MGMT 110.
MGMT_O 429 (3-6) Special Topics in Information Technology Management
Explores the latest concepts and/or issues in information technology management (ITM). Data warehousing, IS security, IT auditing and control, global ITM, and other related topics within the field of ITM. Not intended for topics routinely covered in the curriculum. Credit will be granted for only one of MGMT 429 or MGMT 329 when the subject matter is of the same nature. Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing.
MGMT_O 435 (3) Risk Management
Introduction to the financial instruments, methods, and tools used in financial risk management. Methodology applies to both corporate and investment settings for managing exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, market risk, and credit risk. Focuses on three types of derivative securities: forwards and futures, options, and swaps. Understanding of the basic properties of these instruments, their hedging uses, and their valuation principles. Value-at-risk and options theory will also be covered. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 310. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 436 (3) Investments
Basic principles and tools of investment analysis. Understanding of the properties and uses of three broad types of financial securities: equity securities (common stock), fixed income securities (government and corporate bonds), and derivative securities (e.g., futures, options). The trading process, portfolio theory (risk-return and risk-arbitrage models), security analysis, and investment performance evaluation. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 310. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 437 (3) Intermediate Finance
Introduction to theories and methods of corporate finance policy used by senior managers and the board of directors to direct the financial operations and strategy of the firm. Policies examined include financial structure, dividend policy, mergers and acquisitions, and risk management. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 310. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 438 (3) Capital Asset Budgeting
Building on introductory and intermediate finance concepts, the course develops a framework for investment decisions involved in securing long-term corporate assets. It focuses on case-based material including assessment of qualitative and quantitative decision making criteria, analysis and forecasting of financial statements and cash flows, cost of capital implications, and valuation and return considerations. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 310. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 439 (3-6) Special Topics in Finance
Latest concepts and/or issues in finance. Corporate bankruptcy, financial trading strategies, international banking, and other related topics within the field of finance. Not intended for topics routinely covered in the curriculum. Credit will be granted for only one of MGMT 339 or MGMT 439 when the subject matter is of the same nature. Prerequisite: MGMT 310. and fourth-year standing.
MGMT_O 440 (3) Brands, Culture, and Marketing
Goes beyond traditional courses in brand management and marketing by asking questions about the intricate relationships between culture and the consumption of brands. Raises questions about how a culture can brand itself and promote itself through specific brands. Brand awareness, identity, image, personality, positioning, and equity. Strategies to build and sustain brand equity and the globalization of brands will be addressed. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 220. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 441 (3) Marketing Strategy
Integrative, dynamic view of marketing strategy at both the corporate and business unit level. Understanding, developing, and evaluating brand strategies over the life of a product market. Strategies for: pioneering brands, late entry, growth, mature and declining markets, and defensive marketing. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 220. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 442 (3) Consumer Behaviour
Consumer behaviour is at the heart of any successful business. A clear understanding of consumers is critical in managing the marketing function. Basic concepts and issues in consumer behaviour from a marketing manager's perspective. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 220. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 443 (3) New Product and Service Development
Examines from a marketing perspective the process of conceptualizing, designing, developing, launching and ongoing marketing of new products or services. Topics include reasons for new product failure, barriers to new product adoption, stage gates and project planning tools, idea generation, design trade-off decisions, concept testing, and forecasting. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of MGMT 220, MGMT 290. Third-year standing.
MGMT_O 444 (3) Market Research
Concepts and applications of market research with emphasis on basic methodologies. Introduces a variety of techniques and provides the basis of how research applies to strategy including marketing advertising, sales and product design, and development. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 220. Third-year standing and 3 credits of STAT.
MGMT_O 445 (3) Digital and Social Media Marketing
This course introduces students to the theoretical foundations of digital marketing, including the application of content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing, marketing experimentation, and analytics, search engine optimization (SEO), and search engine marketing (SEM). Prerequisite: MGMT_O 220. And third year standing
MGMT_O 449 (3-6) Special Topics in Marketing
Latest concepts and/or issues in marketing. Marketing research, consumer behaviour, e-marketing, international marketing, sales management, and other related topics within the field of marketing. Not intended for topics routinely covered in the curriculum. Credit will be granted for only one of MGMT 449 or MGMT 349 when the subject matter is of the same nature. Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing.
MGMT_O 450 (3) Entrepreneurship and the Smaller Firm
Exposure to the issues and challenges associated with starting a new entrepreneurial business. Students gain an appreciation of the challenges associated with creating a new venture. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of MGMT 201, MGMT 202, MGMT 220, MGMT 230, MGMT 240, MGMT 250, MGMT 290. and third-year standing.
MGMT_O 470 (3) Global Food Systems: Society, Ecology, Sustainability
Evaluating food system sustainability issues, including management and technology alternatives, through the lenses of (1) systems-analytic (i.e. life cycle) thinking and tools; and (2) sustainable scale (relative to ecological carrying capacity), distributive justice, and efficient allocation. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOL 424 or MGMT 470. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing. Equivalency: BIOL 424
MGMT_O 471 (3) Applied Health Economics
Methods to assess the efficiency of health-related programs; theoretical and practical empirical methods for conducting, analyzing and interpreting applied economic evaluations in the context of health and healthcare. Credit will be granted for only one of MGMT 471, MGMT 571, SECH 400 or SECH 500. Prerequisite: Third-year standing. Equivalency: SECH 400
MGMT_O 480 (3) Law and Business
Introduces managers of organizations and businesses to basic legal concepts that they can expect to encounter. Provides the background needed to identify legal issues and make informed decisions in instructing legal counsel and acting on legal advice. May cover product liability, tort, and intellectual property. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: MGMT 100. Third-year standing and 3 credits of ENGL. Corequisite: MGMT 110.
MGMT_O 481 (3) Strategy and Change Management
Investigates how strategy and change affects the organization and how the organization can be designed or realigned to realize its strategy more effectively. Alignment with organizational mission, how strategic decisions affect the organization structures, processes, culture, resources (both human and financial), and management styles, and how the organization can manage the change process. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of MGMT 230, MGMT 360. Third-year standing.
MGMT_O 482 (3) International Business
Political, legal, technological, competitive, and cultural issues that shape organizations as they operate worldwide. Understanding of the application of management theory (trade theory, modes of entry, foreign direct investment, factor mobility theory) to the strategic management problems of doing business in the international arena. Cultural aspects of operating in an international environment. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of MGMT 100, MGMT 110. Third-year standing and 3 credits of ENGL.
MGMT_O 490 (3) Capstone Service Learning and Consulting
Culminating experience for a management education. Includes team-based work on a community service project, consulting project, or some other form of experiential or immersion-based learning effort. Explores connections among students' disciplines and between their educational experience and issues in the off-campus community. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of MGMT 202, MGMT 220. Fourth-year standing.
MGMT_O 495 (3) Directed Studies in Management
Opportunity for supervised research in a clearly-defined area in the field of management. This research will lead to a major research paper. The topic will be agreed upon by the supervising faculty member, the student, and the dean. This course may not duplicate existing courses which are part of the regular curricular offering of the Faculty of Management. The course may be taken over one or two terms. Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing.
MGMT_O 505 (3) Foundational Finance, Financial Reporting, and Control for Managers
This advanced course examines the role of finance, financial reporting, and financial control for managers. Finance and accounting are two of the core functional areas of firms and organizations and this course will explore how key financial decisions can create value, how financial information can be used to communicate with stakeholders, how financial information can be used to inform resource allocation decisions, and how financial information can be used to monitor performance. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the MM-O program.
MGMT_O 514 (3) Advanced Business Strategies
This advanced course equips students with high-level strategic frameworks and tools for decision-making in both local and global business environment. Key topics include strategic analysis and planning, innovation and growth strategies, domestic and global market expansion, and performance measurement. Through case studies and practical applications, students will enhance their strategic thinking and management capabilities to drive organizational success. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the MM-O program.
MGMT_O 521 (3) Advanced Business Analytics
This course equips students with essential analytics skills for strategic decision-making in a data-driven world. Designed for those with limited statistical backgrounds, it covers statistical analysis, regression modeling, and programming. Participants will learn to interpret complex data, perform advanced analysis, and handle large datasets. Practical exercises and real world applications prepare participants to transform data into impactful organizational strategies. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the MM-O program.
MGMT_O 534 (0.5-2) Regional Development and Globalization
Explore managing and leading businesses and organizations in globally connected regions. Examine historical and contemporary instances of socio-economic development, and consider future directions and possibilities. Study organizations, institutions, communities and public policy. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 535 (1.5) Approaches to Learning and Research
Acquire skills to learn independently and collaboratively for continuous application in the M.M. program and life-long. Focus on navigating and sorting information, evaluating sources, and building knowledge. Explore methods for research that embody rigour, reason, and evidence, and that balance sense and sensibility. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 536 (1.5-9) Enterprise and Innovation
Explore enterprise commonalties and differences collaboratively, likewise regional, national, and global networking, and other forms of interaction. Deepen knowledge of, and apply, core management subjects such as accounting, finance, marketing, people management, information technology and strategy. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 537 (0.5-3) Leading and Citizenship
Study professional and citizenship obligations within and between organizations, institutions and communities - regionally, nationally, and globally. Reflect collaboratively and individually to challenge diverse orientations to the social responsibilities of organizations. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 538 (0.5-1.5) Communicating
Explore and implement various approaches to oral, written, and other forms of management-based communication. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 539 (0.5-1.5) Ethics
Study methods of ethical analysis and apply them in analyzing and developing action plans that ensure ethical practice. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 540 (0.5-1.5) Systems
Explore impact and implications of systems on management issues and study the managing of systems for maximum effectiveness in regional contexts. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 541 (0.5-1.5) Practical Research Methods
Building on the foundations laid in Approaches to Learning and Research, develop skills in research with particular emphasis on the area of activity on which the participant wishes to focus. Pass/Fail
MGMT_O 542 (0.5-1.5) Career Development
Develop and curate a portfolio of work through the Master of Management program to support and develop future careers. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 543 (0.5-3) Managing Change
Consolidate and integrate material, concepts, and ideas studied in earlier courses. Focus on the importance of people when managing change, including their roles, adaptive capacity, and conflict management. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 544 (1.5-6) Applied Project
Apply what has been learned through the Master of Management program to provide thought leadership and innovative capacity to one or more organizations to help them make progress on an issue they face. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 545 (6) Directed Study
Elect to focus on a particular area of interest within the management field (technology, wine sector, healthcare etc.) or opt (with the agreement of another Faculty, e.g.: Engineering, Creative and Critical Studies etc.) to pursue deeper study in other disciplines. Pass/Fail.
MGMT_O 571 (3) Applied Health Economics
Methods to assess the efficiency of health-related programs; theoretical and practical empirical methods for conducting, analyzing and interpreting applied economic evaluations in the context of health and healthcare. Credit will be granted for only one of MGMT 471, MGMT 571, SECH 400 or SECH 500. Equivalency: SECH 500