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Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Development

NRSG_O: Nursing

  1. NRSG_O 101 (2) Nursing Lab Practice I

    Develops evidence-informed nursing practice through seminar, laboratory learning, and simulation. Students gain knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to practice foundational nursing assessments and safe ethical care. Weekly concepts will align with NRSG 136 intentional learning activities. [0-3-1.5] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 111, NRSG 112, NRSG 113, BIOL 131. Corequisite: All of NRSG 126, NRSG 136.

  2. NRSG_O 111 (3) Foundations of Health

    Meaning of health and healing. Recognize diversity of beliefs, values, and perceptions of health. Introduction to the Canadian Health Care System, conceptual frameworks of health promotion, determinants of health, disease and injury prevention, and primary health care. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: First-year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 112, NRSG 113.

  3. NRSG_O 112 (1.5) Introduction to the Profession of Nursing I

    Critical reflection of the historical, political, and socioeconomic evolution of nursing. Exploration of foundational theories, nursing practice standards, ethical principles, ethical decision making, and reflective and scholarly writing that guides evidence-informed professional nursing practice. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: First-year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 111, NRSG 113.

  4. NRSG_O 113 (1.5) Relational Practice I

    Understanding of self and the capacity to be in caring relation with others (individual, groups, populations, communities). Reflecting on personal perspectives and experiences to understand ones own attitudes, beliefs, and values. Pass/Fail [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: First-year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 111, NRSG 112.

  5. NRSG_O 120 (3) Introduction to Nursing Research

    Introduction to nursing research to provide knowledge, skills, and abilities to engage in evidence-informed nursing practice. Key topics will include research concepts, approaches, procedures/processes, ethics, and application in diverse health care settings. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of HINT 110, NRSG 111, NRSG 112. and English (3 credits) Corequisite: All of NRSG 101, NRSG 122, NRSG 123, NRSG 126, NRSG 136.

  6. NRSG_O 122 (1.5) Introduction to the Profession of Nursing II

    Explores the historical development of nursing knowledge, theory, contemporary understandings of nursing as a discipline, the current body of knowledge defining it, and the relationship between practice and theory. Development of teaching and learning knowledge, skills, and abilities. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: All of HINT 110, NRSG 111, NRSG 112, NRSG 113, BIOL 131. Corequisite: All of NRSG 101, NRSG 120, NRSG 123, NRSG 126, NRSG 136.

  7. NRSG_O 123 (1.5) Relational Practice II

    Understanding relational care and relational ethics to build knowledge, skills, and abilities to engage in relational practice with diverse individuals, families, and groups. Explore concepts and evidence for caring, therapeutic communication, and relational identity. Pass/Fail. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: All of HINT 110, NRSG 111, NRSG 112, NRSG 113, BIOL 131. Corequisite: All of NRSG 101, NRSG 120, NRSG 122, NRSG 126, NRSG 136.

  8. NRSG_O 126 (3) Health & Healing I

    Introduction to adult health assessment with a focus on the older adult with stable chronic health conditions. Concepts will align with NRSG 101 and NRSG 136 intentional learning activities. Nursing theories and evidence-informed frameworks guide approaches to inclusive care, assessments, clinical reasoning, and care planning. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of HINT 110, NRSG 111, NRSG 112, NRSG 113, BIOL 131. Corequisite: All of NRSG 101, NRSG 120, NRSG 122, NRSG 123, NRSG 136.

  9. NRSG_O 136 (3) Nursing Practice I

    This first nursing practicum develops knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide safe ethical nursing care to adults with stable chronic health challenges. Intentional learning activities integrate knowledge from NRSG 101 and NRSG 126. The focus is on assessment, clinical reasoning, care planning, and documentation. Pass/Fail. [0-6-0] Prerequisite: All of HINT 110, NRSG 111, NRSG 112, NRSG 113, BIOL 131. Corequisite: All of NRSG 101, NRSG 120, NRSG 122, NRSG 123, NRSG 126.

  10. NRSG_O 140 (3) L.P.N. Access to B.S.N.

    For students entering the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) Access program. Participants will be introduced, through theory and simulated learning activities, to the foundational constructs associated with nursing courses in the first year of the nursing program. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: HINT 110. Corequisite: NRSG 120.

  11. NRSG_O 201 (2) Nursing Lab Practice II

    Develops evidence-informed nursing practice through seminar, laboratory learning, and simulation. Students advance knowledge, skills, and abilities in preparation to practice nursing assessments and safe ethical care in acute care settings. Concepts will align with NRSG 236 intentional learning activities. [0-3-1.5] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133. and Second-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 210, NRSG 213, NRSG 226, NRSG 236, HINT 231.

  12. NRSG_O 202 (2) Nursing Lab Practice III

    This course is a continuation of NRSG 201 and provides additional opportunities to develop evidence-informed approaches for safe ethical care. Concepts will align with NRSG 237 intentional learning activities. [0-3-1.5] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 201, NRSG 210, NRSG 213, NRSG 226, NRSG 236, HINT 231. Corequisite: All of NRSG 220, NRSG 223, NRSG 227, NRSG 237, BIOL 232.

  13. NRSG_O 210 (1.5) Pharmacology for Nursing I

    Principles of pharmacology, including pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of major drug classes using prototype drugs. Develops knowledge and systematic approaches to safely and ethically administer drug therapy. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133. and Second-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 201, NRSG 213, NRSG 226, NRSG 236, HINT 231.

  14. NRSG_O 213 (1.5) Relational Practice III

    Emphasis is on the unique experience of clients and their families in health and illness. Through exploration of relational theories and evidence-informed approaches, students explore strategies to deliver therapeutic, ethical, and holistic care. Pass/Fail. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 101, NRSG 126, NRSG 136, NRSG 122, NRSG 123, NRSG 120. and Second-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 201, NRSG 210, NRSG 226, NRSG 236, HINT 231.

  15. NRSG_O 220 (1.5) Pharmacology for Nursing II

    This course is a continuation of NRSG 210, further expanding on the principles of pharmacology. Further expanding on knowledge and systematic approaches to safely and ethically administer drug therapy. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 201, NRSG 210, NRSG 213, NRSG 226, NRSG 236, HINT 231. Corequisite: All of NRSG 202, NRSG 223, NRSG 227, NRSG 237, BIOL 232.

  16. NRSG_O 223 (1.5) Relational Practice IV

    Evidence-informed strategies and approaches of relational inquiry to build relational skills and capacity. Socio-cultural constructs in relation to health and healing. Pass/Fail. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 201, NRSG 210, NRSG 213, NRSG 226, NRSG 236, HINT 231. Corequisite: All of NRSG 202, NRSG 220, NRSG 227, NRSG 237, BIOL 232.

  17. NRSG_O 226 (1.5) Health & Healing II

    Evidence-informed assessment and management of health challenges in both episodic and chronic illness. Concepts will align with NRSG 236 intentional learning activities. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133. and Second-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 201, NRSG 210, NRSG 213, NRSG 236, HINT 231.

  18. NRSG_O 227 (1.5) Health & Healing III

    This course is a continuation of NRSG 226, further expanding on evidence-informed assessment and management of health challenges in both episodic and chronic illness. Concepts will align with NRSG 237 intentional learning activities. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 201, NRSG 210, NRSG 213, NRSG 226, NRSG 236, HINT 231. And second-year BSN-O standing. Corequisite: All of NRSG 202, NRSG 220, NRSG 223, NRSG 237, BIOL 232.

  19. NRSG_O 228 (1.5) Community Health

    Theories, ethics and evidence-informed approaches to community health nursing including primary health care, population health, health maintenance and promotion, disease and injury prevention. Exploration of concepts of community- based assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation with community-as-client. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133. and Second-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: NRSG 238.

  20. NRSG_O 229 (1.5) Mental Health in Nursing

    Evidence-informed promotion of mental well-being, assessment and management of episodic and chronic mental health challenges across the life span. Concepts will align with NRSG 239 intentional learning activities. [1.5-0-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133. and Second-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: NRSG 239.

  21. NRSG_O 236 (3) Nursing Practice II

    This practicum in acute care settings develops beginning knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide safe ethical nursing care for adults with episodic and chronic health challenges. Intentional learning activities integrate evidence-informed knowledge from NRSG 201 and NRSG 226. The focus is on assessment, clinical reasoning, care planning, and documentation. Pass/Fail. [0-6-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133. and Second-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 201, NRSG 210, NRSG 213, NRSG 226, HINT 231.

  22. NRSG_O 237 (3) Nursing Practice III

    This second acute care practicum is a continuation of NRSG 236. Develops advancing knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide safe ethical nursing care for adults with episodic and chronic health challenges. Intentional learning activities integrate evidence-informed knowledge from NRSG 202 and NRSG 227. Pass/Fail. [0-6-0] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 201, NRSG 210, NRSG 213, NRSG 226, NRSG 236, HINT 231. Corequisite: All of NRSG 202, NRSG 220, NRSG 223, NRSG 227, BIOL 232.

  23. NRSG_O 238 (3) Nursing Practice in Community

    Practicum in community health nursing develops knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to provide to provide safe ethical nursing care health care within varied community settings with diverse populations. Students will draw on principles of social justice and the social determinants of health to engage in evidenced-informed community assessments, health promotion/illness prevention activities, and health teaching. Pass/Fail. [0-6-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133. and Second-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: NRSG 228.

  24. NRSG_O 239 (3) Nursing Practice in Mental Health

    Practicum in mental health provides opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes to promote wellness, through safe, ethical nursing care, in a variety of contexts. The focus will be presenting a mental well-being project to a specific target population. Other experiences will provide students an understanding of the mental health nursing process. Intentional learning activities integrate evidence-informed concepts from NRSU 229. Pass/Fail. [0-6-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133. and Second-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: NRSG 229.

  25. NRSG_O 301 (1) Nursing Lab Practice IV

    Develops evidence-informed nursing practice through seminar, laboratory learning, and simulation. Students advance knowledge, skills, and abilities in preparation to practice safe ethical nursing care in acute medical settings. [0-2-1.5] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133, HINT 231, BIOL 232. Third-year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 326, NRSG 336.

  26. NRSG_O 302 (1) Nursing Lab Practice V

    Develops evidence-informed nursing practice through seminar, laboratory learning, and simulation. Students advance knowledge, skills, and abilities in preparation to practice safe ethical nursing care in acute surgical settings. [0-2-1.5] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 301, NRSG 326, NRSG 336, BIOL 131, BIOL 133, HINT 231, BIOL 232. Corequisite: All of NRSG 327, NRSG 337.

  27. NRSG_O 310 (3) Palliative Approach to Chronic Illness

    Examination of the philosophy, principles, and evidence-informed practice of a palliative approach to the care of patient/clients with life-limiting chronic illness over the illness trajectory, including end of life and bereavement. This course will pay special attention to ethics and older adults. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-Year BSN-O Standing

  28. NRSG_O 313 (3) Relational Practice V

    Understanding and respecting the complexities of difference and diversity with clients in nursing practice. A critical exploration of cultural identities and racism from an Indigenous perspective, facilitates development of evidence-informed practice for culturally safe care for all peoples in a variety of contexts (health care, research, institutions, and society). Pass/Fail. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-Year BSN-O Standing

  29. NRSG_O 326 (1.5) Health & Healing IV

    Evidence-informed assessment and management of complex health challenges in both episodic and chronic illness utilizing a case study approach. [3-0-0 (over 6 weeks)] [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133, HINT 231, BIOL 232. and Third-year BSN-O Standing. Corequisite: All of NRSG 301, NRSG 336.

  30. NRSG_O 327 (1.5) Health & Healing V

    Continuation of NRSG 326. Evidence-informed assessment and management of complex health challenges in both episodic and chronic illness utilizing a case study approach. [3-0-0 (over 6 weeks)] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 301, NRSG 310, NRSG 326, NRSG 336, HINT 331. Corequisite: All of NRSG 302, NRSG 337.

  31. NRSG_O 328 (1.5) Health of the Childbearing Family

    Nursing within a health promotion framework in both community and acute care settings. Evidence-informed guidelines for care of the childbearing family during pregnancy, labour, birth, and postpartum will be drawn on to inform assessment and management of holistic, ethical care. Concepts will align with NRSG 338 intentional learning activities. Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. [3-0-0 (over 6 weeks)] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133, HINT 231, BIOL 232. Corequisite: NRSG 338.

  32. NRSG_O 329 (1.5) Child Health

    Child health nursing within a health promotion framework in both community and acute care settings. Family-centered care and interprofessional collaboration will be examined with a focus on understanding the diversity and unique needs of both children and families to inform holistic, ethical care. Concepts will align with NRSG 339 intentional learning activities. Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. [3-0-0 (over 6 weeks)] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133, HINT 231, BIOL 232. Corequisite: NRSG 339.

  33. NRSG_O 336 (4) Nursing Practice in Medical Settings

    This early immersion practicum develops advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities for evidence-informed patient care with adults experiencing episodic and chronic health challenges. Ethical dilemmas common to this area of practice will be explored within an ethical decision making framework. Pass/Fail. [0-16-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133, HINT 231, BIOL 232. and Third-year BSN-O Standing. Corequisite: All of NRSG 301, NRSG 326.

  34. NRSG_O 337 (4) Nursing Practice in Surgical Settings

    This early immersion practicum develops advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities for evidence-informed patient care with adults experiencing episodic and chronic health challenges. Ethical dilemmas common to this area of practice will be explored within an ethical decision-making framework. Pass/Fail. [0-16-0] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 301, NRSG 326, NRSG 336. Third-year BSN-O Standing. Corequisite: All of NRSG 302, NRSG 327.

  35. NRSG_O 338 (2) Nursing Practice with Childbearing Families

    This specialty practicum develops beginning knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide evidence-informed nursing care in newborn family health contexts. Intentional learning activities integrate knowledge from NRSG 328. Ethical considerations common to this area of practice will be explored. Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Pass/Fail. [0-8-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133, HINT 231, BIOL 232. Corequisite: NRSG 328.

  36. NRSG_O 339 (2) Nursing Practice in Child Health

    This specialty practicum develops beginning knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide evidence-informed nursing care in a variety child health care contexts. Intentional learning activities integrate knowledge from NRSG 329. Ethical considerations common to this area of practice will be explored. Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Pass/Fail. [0-8-0] Prerequisite: All of BIOL 131, BIOL 133, HINT 231, BIOL 232. Corequisite: NRSG 329.

  37. NRSG_O 421 (3) Capstone Review

    A comprehensive review of entry-level nursing knowledge, skills, and abilities in preparation for writing the nursing entry to practice regulatory examination. Through simulation and interactive case studies participants will have opportunities to apply previous learning and clinical reasoning to situations commonly seen in the first year of registered nursing practice. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 422, NRSG 432.

  38. NRSG_O 422 (3) Leadership

    Nursing leadership at various levels of the healthcare system with an emphasis on leadership, decision-making, and change theories. Consider the impact of trends, issues, and ethics on leadership in nursing. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: All of NRSG 421, NRSG 432.

  39. NRSG_O 423 (3) Advanced Clinical Reasoning for Care of the Complex Client

    Theory and research for evidence-informed practice for the assessment and care of the complex, unstable, acutely ill patient. Understanding challenging etiology, pathophysiology, manifestations, diagnostics and intervention to inform advanced clinical reasoning. [3-0-0] Co-requisite: NRSG_O 421. Fourth-year BSN-O Standing

  40. NRSG_O 424 (3) Primary Care Nursing I

    Exploring concepts and frameworks foundational to the role of the primary care nurse in serving diverse populations, reducing health disparities, and promoting equity. Examine competencies including assessment approaches, care planning, and evaluation of care, and build evidence informed knowledge of disease prevention, health promotion, and management of health conditions across the life span. Interprofessional collaborative care delivery models and modes of care will be examined. Credit will be granted for only one of NRSG 424 or NRSG 524. Prerequisite: Student in final year of a BSN, BScN, or BSPN program in Canada in good standing; or Registered Nurse/ Registered Psychiatric Nurse with Baccalaureate Degree in Canada in good standing.

  41. NRSG_O 425 (3) Primary Care Nursing II

    Exploring evidence informed guidelines and care planning for providing quality care. Build knowledge of case management, care coordination, and system navigation for clients across the lifespan and continuum of care. Build knowledge of quality improvement principles as a way of supporting safe quality care. Credit will be granted for only one of NRSG 425 or NRSG 525. Prerequisite: NRSG 424 or NRSG 524

  42. NRSG_O 426 (3) Advanced Gerontology

    Theory, research, and best practices for ethical care of the older adult and aging populations builds nursing knowledge, skills, and abilities in gerontology. Develops advanced understanding of issues pertaining to the older adult population in acute and community settings. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-Year BSN-O Standing

  43. NRSG_O 427 (3) Advanced Mental Health

    Theory and research for ethical, evidence-informed practice for mental health nursing. Develops advanced knowledge of the pathophysiology, etiology, manifestations, diagnostics and intervention to inform care of patients experiencing acute mental health challenges. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 229, NRSG 239. Fourth-year BSN-O Standing

  44. NRSG_O 428 (3) Advanced Community Health Nursing

    Theory, research, and best practices for ethical community health nursing builds knowledge, skills, and abilities for practice with diverse populations in a variety of community settings. Develops advanced understanding of health promotion, disease and injury prevention, population health, and epidemiology. Credit will only be granted for one of NRSG 428 or NRSG 528. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 228, NRSG 238. and Fourth-Year BSN-O Standing

  45. NRSG_O 431 (8) Capstone Acute Care Preceptorship

    Preceptored practice course consolidates acute care clinical knowledge, skills, and abilities. Demonstrates evidence-informed practice at a graduate nurse level. Pass/Fail. [240 hours over 8 weeks] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 421, NRSG 422, NRSG 432. and the recommendation of practice advising committee.

  46. NRSG_O 432 (4) Capstone Community Project

    This practice course provides opportunity to experience evidenced-informed leadership through application of concepts such as influencing and managing change within the context of emerging global health issues and trends. (72 hours of practice and 24 hours of seminar). Pass/Fail. [0-6-2] Prerequisite: Fourth-Year BSN-O Standing Corequisite: NRSG 422.

  47. NRSG_O 434 (4-8) Practice Electives

    Preceptored advanced practice experience(s) provides opportunities for evidence-informed practice in varied contexts*. Application of knowledge, skills, and abilities from related advanced nursing theory course(s). Pass/Fail. *Dependent on availability. [4 credits 120 hours over 4 weeks or 8 credits 240 hours over 8 weeks] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 421, NRSG 422, NRSG 432. a min of 3 credits of nursing electives related to practicum context, and recommendation of practice advising committee.

  48. NRSG_O 435 (4-8) Primary Care Nursing Preceptorship

    Preceptored advanced practice experience provides opportunity for evidence-informed practice in an integrated team-based primary care context. Application of knowledge, skills, and abilities from related Primary Care Nursing theory course(s). Opportunity to work with interprofessional teams. Pass/Fail. [4 credits 120 hours over 4 weeks/8 credits 240 hours over 8 weeks]. Credit will be granted for only one of NRSG 435 or NRSG 535. Prerequisite: NRSG 425 or NRSG 525

  49. NRSG_O 437 (4-8) Mental Health Preceptorship

    Preceptored advanced practice experience(s) provides opportunities for evidence-informed practice with the client experiencing challenges with mental health. Application of knowledge, skills, and abilities from related advanced nursing theory course(s). Opportunity to work with interprofessional teams in a variety of settings. [4 credits 120 hours over 4 weeks or 8 credits 240 hours over 8 weeks] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 421, NRSG 422, NRSG 432, NRSG 427.

  50. NRSG_O 438 (4-8) Community Health Nursing Preceptorship

    Preceptored advanced practice experience(s) provides opportunities for evidence-informed practice with individuals, families and populations in the community context*. Application of knowledge, skills, and abilities from related advanced nursing theory course(s). Opportunity to work with interprofessional teams. Pass/Fail. *Dependent on availability. [4 credits 120 hours over 4 weeks or 8 credits 240 hours over 8 weeks] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 421, NRSG 422, NRSG 428, NRSG 432. and recommendation of practice advising committee.

  51. NRSG_O 439 (8) Global Health Practicum

    Advanced practicum provides opportunities to engage in an immersive global health experience in a variety of settings*. Students will practice in collaboration with global health partners. The focus is on application of global health and cultural safety competencies. Pass/Fail. *Dependent on availability and cost of travel is in addition to course tuition. Prerequisite: All of NRSG 421, NRSG 422, NRSG 432 and one of NRSG 429, HINT 429. and approval of application.

  52. NRSG_O 440 (4-8) Research Preceptorship

    Preceptored advanced practice course provides the opportunity to engage in research with a faculty supervisor. Application of knowledge, skills, and abilities in nursing and health related research. Pass/Fail. [4 credits 120 hours over 4 weeks or 8 credits 240 hours over 8 weeks] Prerequisite: securement of a faculty supervisor and research elective (3/6) as determined by faculty supervisor

  53. NRSG_O 500 (3) Nursing Knowledge

    Examines historical and contemporary influences on nursing knowledge, with a focus on implications for practice. [3-0-0]

  54. NRSG_O 502 (3) Research and Inquiry for Evidence-Based Nursing and Healthcare

    Examine quantitative and qualitative research methods and designs relative to each method to provide a basis for critical evaluation of research in nursing and health, and supporting research-related activities. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Undergraduate nursing research course; undergraduate statistics course; first year standing in the Master of Science in Nursing Program or permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Nursing

  55. NRSG_O 504 (3) Finding and Integrating Knowledge for Evidence-Informed Practice

    Focuses on the development of students' abilities to find, critique, and synthesize evidence to inform the scholarly development of advanced practice in their teaching, management, research, and provision of nursing care. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: First-year standing in the Master of Science in Nursing program or permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Nursing.

  56. NRSG_O 505 (3) Healthcare Policy

    An overview of policy processes including analysis, development, implementation, and evaluation in healthcare. Canadian and global health issues will be discussed such as health economics, politics, advocacy, and equity with a focus on policy. [3-0-0]

  57. NRSG_O 506 (3) Qualitative Research

    Understanding the predominant approaches in qualitative research. Knowledge and skills in conducting qualitative research, including methodology, research design, data collection, data analysis, and communication of findings. [3-0-0] Corequisite: NRSG 504 or permission from the Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Nursing.

  58. NRSG_O 507 (3) Quantitative Research

    Focused on developing knowledge and application of core concepts, methods and statistical procedures related to quantitative research design and data analysis in health disciplines. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Undergraduate university or graduate university statistics course in the past five years, or approval of the School of Nursing Graduate Coordinator. Corequisite: NRSG 504 or permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Nursing.

  59. NRSG_O 512 (3-6) Directed Studies in Nursing

    Students may take a maximum of 6 credits of directed studies within the M.S.N. program. Restricted to students in the M.S.N. program or with permission of the M.S.N. coordinator.

  60. NRSG_O 522 (3) Introduction to Nursing Education

    Examines issues and trends in nursing education including implications for the teaching practices of nurse educators. [3-0-0] Corequisite: NRSG 504 or permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Nursing.

  61. NRSG_O 523 (3) Teaching and Learning in Nursing Practice

    Examines theory, research, and best practices for teaching and learning in the laboratory and nursing practice courses in acute and community settings. [3-0-0] Corequisite: NRSG 504 or permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Nursing.

  62. NRSG_O 524 (3) Primary Care Nursing I

    Exploring concepts and frameworks foundational to the role of the primary care nurse in serving diverse populations, reducing health disparities, and promoting equity. Examine competencies including assessment approaches, care planning, and evaluation of care, and build evidence informed knowledge of disease prevention, health promotion, and management of health conditions across the life span. Interprofessional collaborative care delivery models and modes of care will be examined. Credit will be granted for only one of NRSG 424 or NRSG 524. Prerequisite: Student in MN or MSN Program in Canada in good standing

  63. NRSG_O 525 (3) Primary Care Nursing II

    Exploring evidence informed guidelines and care planning for providing quality care. Build knowledge of case management, care coordination, and system navigation for clients across the lifespan and continuum of care. Build knowledge of quality improvement principles as a way of supporting safe quality care. Credit will be granted for only one of NRSG 425 or NRSG 525. Prerequisite: NRSG 424 or NRSG 524

  64. NRSG_O 528 (3) Advanced Community Health Nursing

    Theory, research, and best practices for community health nursing among diverse populations. Develops advanced understanding of health promotion, disease and injury prevention, population health, epidemiology, and the importance of ethics. Credit will be granted for only one of NRSG 528 or NRSG 428. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: NRSG 504. Or permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Nursing.

  65. NRSG_O 542 (3) Introduction to Nursing Leadership and Management

    Examines issues and trends in nursing leadership, including implications for management in the Canadian healthcare context. [3-0-0] Corequisite: NRSG 504 or permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Nursing.

  66. NRSG_O 543 (3) Nursing Leadership and Management in Practice

    Develops essential competencies for management in healthcare leadership positions and integrates evidence-based management concepts into the delivery of quality healthcare to improve health outcomes. This course includes a 75-hour practicum component. [3-0-0] Corequisite: NRSG 504 or permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Nursing.

  67. NRSG_O 550 (3) Health Care Ethics

    Examines a range of ethical theories, relevant research, and approaches to ethical decision-making to critically debate real world problems in health care. [3-0-0] Corequisite: NRSG 504 or permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Nursing.

  68. NRSG_O 554 (3) Advanced Research Methods

    Research design issues relevant to nursing and health research, including the conduct of interdisciplinary research, issues in quantitative and qualitative research, design and conceptual complexities of mixed and multiple method designs, community-based research. This course is restricted to students in the PhD in Nursing program (PHD-O, NRS) unless permission is given by the program coordinator Prerequisite: All of NRSG 506, NRSG 507. Or equivalent graduate level quantitative and qualitative methods courses.

  69. NRSG_O 580 (3) Philosophy of Evidence in Nursing

    Philosophical foundation upon which students can create informed claims about knowledge, theory and evidence regarding phenomena of concern to the discipline. This course is restricted to students in the PhD in Nursing program (PHD-O, NRS) unless permission is given by the program coordinator. Prerequisite: NRSG 500.

  70. NRSG_O 581 (3) Leadership in Knowledge Application and Translation

    Philosophies, theories and praxis in the application of nursing. This course is restricted to students in the Ph.D. in Nursing program unless permission is given by the program coordinator. Prerequisite: NRSG 504. Or equivalent graduate level course in knowledge and evidence-based practice.

  71. NRSG_O 597 (6) Healthcare Capstone Practicum

    Integrative practicum in a student's chosen area of practice. Students will critically analyze, synthesize, and apply advanced knowledge to promote change and contribute to knowledge development. [6-0-0] Prerequisite: All of NRSG 500, NRSG 504.

  72. NRSG_O 598 (3) Scholarly Project


  73. NRSG_O 599 (12) Research Thesis

    Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the M.S.N. program or with permission from the M.S.N. coordinator.

  74. NRSG_O 601 (3) Doctoral Seminar

    Phenomena relevant to nursing science, academia, the process of undertaking doctoral thesis research, and building sustainable careers. This course is restricted to students in the PhD in Nursing program (PHD-O, NRS) unless permission is given by the program coordinator. Pass/Fail.

  75. NRSG_O 699 (0) Doctoral Dissertation


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.