Studies how society influences human behaviour. How is society organized and structured? How does it affect the way we think and act? What is the relationship between individuals and society? What is our social nature? Why is there inequality in the world? [3-0-0]
SOCI_O 209 (3) Foundations of Sociological Thought
Foundational ideas in the historical development of sociological thought. Ways in which these ideas have influenced new generations of sociologists. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 212 (3) Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
Key concepts and theoretical ideas of race and ethnicity; how race and ethnicity shape power, cultural expressions, identities, and resistance movements. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 216 (3) Media and Society
Critical and contextual analysis of the form and content of mass communication. Relationship between culture, social behaviour, and public channels of communication such as print media, advertising, television, film, and popular literature. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 217 (3) Introduction to Sociology of Gender
How gender organizes and influences individuals, social interactions, and institutions such as families, media and work; how gender intersects with other structures of inequality. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 219 (3) Gender and Work: Issues and Controversies
How gender informs and is informed by power in paid and unpaid labour in a globalized world. Theoretical and empirical studies on the intersection of gender and work; wages; sexual harassment; segregation; work on the margins; resistance to gender inequalities. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 219 or SOCI 295 when on the same topic. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 226 (3) Work, Technology, and Social Change
Relationship between work, technological innovation, and social change. Emphasis on industrial and communications revolutions. Effects of technology on work, social stratification, family, gender identity, and politics. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 228 (3) Introduction to Environmental Sociology
Explores topics in environmental sociology and a sociological approach to environmental problems, with an emphasis on the social inequality embedded in such problems. Environment and environmental problems are understood as actually existing sets of material conditions and, simultaneously, as social constructions; the outcomes of uneven social structures and historical forces. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI_O 111.
SOCI_O 246 (3) Sociology of Sports
Key concepts and theoretical ideas in the sociology of sport. Relationships between sports and socialization, intersectional inequalities (race, class, gender, ability), deviance and violence, health and injuries, politics and social movements, media, nationality and the environment. Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 249 (3) Crime and Society
Introduction to crime as a social phenomenon. Changing definitions of crime in relation to social and political change; scope and nature of crime; criminalization; growth of criminology; institutional responses to criminal behaviour by the justice system. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 263 (3) Political Sociology
Social and economic basis of political power. State and inter-state relations; ideology and control; alienation and anomie; political movements and social revolutions; political violence and terrorism; the political economy of world conflict. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 263 or SOCI 463. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) SOCI 111 or (b) POLI 100 or (c) all of HIST 115, HIST 145.
SOCI_O 270 (3) Youth, Crime, and Deviance
Norm-breaking behaviour by youth. Study of victims and perpetrators; youth criminalization and social control; theories of crime and delinquency including intersections of class, race, gender and sexuality. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 280 (3) Sociology of Aging
Interplay of social, cultural, political, and individual contexts for older persons. Emphasis on the social construction of aging. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 291 (3) Fundamentals of Sociological Research
Overview of quantitative and qualitative research designs and methodologies. Topics include sampling, operationalization, ethics, data collection and analysis, scientific and sociological literacy. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111.
SOCI_O 295 (3-12) Current Topics in Sociology
Examination of selected topics in contemporary sociology. Consult with the department for current offerings. This course may be taken more than once but with different topics. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI_O 111.
SOCI_O 301 (3-6) Sociology of Development
Theories of development and post-development. Emphasis on colonialism, globalization, neoliberalism, and resistance and liberation movements. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 303 (3-6) Ethnic and Racial Inequality
Classical and contemporary theories. Emphasis on racialization, racism, and critical analyses of ethnicity. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing
SOCI_O 305 (3) Sociology of Families
Theoretical and methodological approaches to family structures and relations. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 309 (3) Violence in Intimate Relations
Social, historical, cultural, and political roots of violence in intimate relations. Primary focus on women, children and the elderly. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 311 (6) Canadian Society
Critical analyses of social relations and structures in Canada. Topics may include politics, the economy, globalization, First Nations, social inequality, families, crime, welfare systems, immigration, racism, nationalism. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 313 (3) Advanced Studies in Sociology of Gender
Critical analysis of current debates on gender. Postmodern challenges; masculinities; femininities; inter-sectionality; bodies. Particular attention paid to institutions, such as sport, education, and media. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 217. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 320 (3) Cultural Studies in Sociology
How culture informs and is informed by social, political, subjective, and aesthetic concerns. Special emphasis on critical and post-colonial theories and methodologies. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 330 (3) Sociology of Tourism
Critical analysis of the global tourist industry and the tourist experience; impact of tourism on communities and labour; relationship between tourism and leisure. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 362 (3-6) Social Inequality
Structural and interactional approaches to relations of power that (re)produce inequality with a focus on the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexualities. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 370 (3) Drugs and Society
Socio-legal analysis of drugs, addiction, and drug regulation. Drugs as social and historical phenomena. Medical and legal understanding of drugs. Drugs and social inequalities. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 370 or SOCI 496A. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of SOCI 111, HIST 118, HIST 218 or ANTH 227. Third-year standing.
SOCI_O 371 (3-6) Deviance and Social Control
The social construction of deviance. Perspectives on social control such as moral regulation, surveillance, and punishment. Theoretical frameworks will be stressed. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 373 (3) Sociology of Punishment and Captivity
The prison and its abolition analyzed from critical race, feminist, queer, trans, disability, animal studies, and environmental perspectives. Settler colonialism and slavery as foundational to punishment and incarceration in Canada and the United States. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 374 (3) Sexuality, Law, and Society
Examination of how sex and sexuality are regulated through law. Topics may include the social and legal regulation of family forms, pornography, sex work, sexually transmitted infections, sexual violence, and the interplay of technology and law through topics such as online dating. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.
SOCI_O 376 (3) Classical Sociological Theory
Classical sociological theories and their relationship to methodological issues. Emphasis on the procedures by which sociological explanations are made. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 376 or SOCI 375. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 209. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 377 (3) Contemporary Sociological Theory
Contemporary sociological theories and their relationship to methodological issues. Emphasis on the procedures by which sociological explanations are made. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 377 or SOCI 375. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 376. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 390 (6) Sociological Methods: Social Survey Design and Analysis
Introduction to quantitative research. Questionnaire design and interviewing techniques; statistical methods such as sampling and analysis of survey data using SPSS. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111 and one of SOCI 271, SOCI 291, STAT 121. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 395 (6) Sociological Methods: Qualitative Research
Examination of methods such as ethnography, interviewing, historical and discourse analyses. Theoretical, epistemological, and ethical issues in social research and methods. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 411 (3-6) Special Studies in Canadian Society
Advanced analysis of issues in Canadian society. Consult the department head for frequency of offering and course topic. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 415 (3) Feminist Theory
Development of feminist theories and their relationship to sociology. Social and cultural bases of feminism. Special attention to contemporary debates. [1-0-2] Prerequisite: SOCI 217. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 421 (3) Sociology of Fear
The role of fear in the production, control, and management of individuals and societies. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 426 (3) Urban Sociology
Demographic, behavioural, and organizational aspects of contemporary urban structures, as well as urbanization in different societies and periods. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 429 (3) Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights
Human rights from a political economy approach. The role of the state and international institutions in economic globalization. Consequences of market-oriented policies on human development, with particular focus on problems related to working conditions and rights, land-grabbing, violence, migration, and human trafficking. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111 and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 430 (3) Labour in a Global Economy
Relationship between globalization and international labour; impact of global change on the international division of labour; barriers to and possibilities of new organizational strategies for labour solidarity. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 432 (3) Sociology of Food
How does food shape social relations (class, gender, race, age)? What is its role in the construction of meaning and identity? How does it connect to the political through civil society and social movements? How is it impacted by globalization? [2-0-1] Prerequisite: SOCI 111 and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 434 (3-6) Directed Studies
An individualized directed reading and/or research project in sociology under the supervision of a faculty member. [0-0-3] Prerequisite: Permission of the department head and faculty member. Students must consult with the department head prior to registration.
SOCI_O 446 (3) Advanced Studies in the Sociology of Sports
Theoretical debates on sport and society; impact of sport on management and disciplining of populations; sport and capitalism; globalization, nationalism and identity; racialization and gender issues in sport. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 246. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 450 (3) Sociology of India
Historical and geographical overview of contemporary Indian society, including social institutions such as religion, community, family, education, and government. Emphasis on social divisions based on religious heritage, gender, region, language, caste, class, and political ideology. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 456 (3) Sociology of Elites
Examines theoretical and empirical studies of elites - who they are; what role they play in society; how they operate. Reviews research countering the prominence of elites in economic, social and political life. Focuses primarily on Canada. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111 and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 465 (3) Nations and nationalisms
Social bases of nationhood. Sociological examination of issues related to national identities and nationalism: theories of nationalism; social roots and implications of national identity and belonging; nationalism and conflict; nationalism, ethnicity, and genocide. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) SOCI 111 or (b) POLI 221 or (c) all of HIST 115, HIST 145. Third-year standing.
SOCI_O 467 (3-6) Social Movements
The origins, development, and impact of social movements in a globalized world with emphasis on current theoretical debates. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 468 (3-6) Socialization and Education
Classroom socialization and curriculum; cultural and social capital; streaming, and credentialism; power and inequality with emphasis on the intersection of class, race, gender, and sexuality. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 480 (3) Aging, Diversity, and Inequality: Global and Comparative Perspectives
Comparative examination of aging in an era of globalization with a social justice and intersectional perspective. Emphasis on ageism and issues of power for older adults. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 483 (3) Technoscience, Law, and Medicine
This course canvasses and critically explores topics at the nexus of science, technology, medicine, and law. Topics include biobanking, genetic engineering, AI in healthcare, technopsychiatry, and more. It assesses social and legal challenges and implications of scientific innovation. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 483, SOCI 295V, or SOCI 496X. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111 and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 485 (3-6) Sociology of Health and Illness
The social construction of illness; the medicalization of society; historical rise of medical power and biomedicine; epidemics; colonialism and medicine; gender, race, sexuality and health. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111. and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 486 (3) Student Directed Seminar
Self-directed, collaborative studies, in a group-learning environment, initiated and coordinated by senior undergraduate students with the supervision of a faculty sponsor. Course structure, enrolment and delivery methods will comply with the Student Directed Seminars Guidelines. At least third-year standing and permission of the Department are required. [0-0-3]
SOCI_O 492 (3) Surveillance and Society
Surveillance as a social phenomenon, involving differences in power and visibility. How surveillance is related to governance, control, and privacy. Theories and concepts from the interdisciplinary field of surveillance studies, with an emphasis on social relationships. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111 and third-year standing.
SOCI_O 495 (3) Advanced Qualitative Social Research
Qualitative research design, research practice, research ethics. Specific methodologies, methods, and topics may change each time the course is offered. Consult the department for current course topic. Prerequisite: SOCI 291 or ANTH 307 and third-year standing; other research methods courses may be considered on request.
SOCI_O 496 (3-9) Advanced Studies in Sociology
In-depth examination of selected topics in sociology. Topic may change each time the course is offered. Consult the department for frequency of offering and current course topic. Repeatable for up to 9 credits on different topics during a complete program of study. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: SOCI 111, and third-year standing.