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8. President

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For allegations of academic misconduct for which a hearing before the President’s Advisory Committee on Student Discipline had started by September 6, 2022, the previous version of the provisions as they existed prior to the revisions apply, and that prior version can be found here: https://archive.calendar.ubc.ca/okanagan/2122/index.html

8.1 Once the President has come to a decision based on the report of the President's Committee, or any other fact finding process the President may determine is appropriate, the President will promptly send a letter to the student (the "Decision Letter") and provide copies to the Initiator and Registrar. The Decision Letter will set out:

  • a. the President's decision,

  • b. reasons for the President's decision, including the report from the President's Committee or other fact finding process,

  • c. a description of the nature and the duration of the disciplinary measures imposed, if any; and

  • d. notice that the student has a right to appeal the decision to the Senate Committee on Appeals of Standing and Discipline and the time limit for such an appeal.

8.2 If disciplinary measures are imposed, the President will also promptly send a copy of the Decision Letter to the Senate Committee on Appeals of Standing and Discipline.


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