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Summer Session Term 2: Last day for withdrawal from most Summer Session Term 2 courses with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific information.
British Columbia Day. University closed.
Last day for students who hold major external graduate or undergraduate fellowships to apply for Winter Session fee deferments.
Disability Resource Centre (DRC): Recommended date for submission of exam accommodation requests for Summer Session Term 2.
Summer Session Term 2: Last day of classes for most faculties.
Summer Session Term 2: Examinations begin (day and evening classes) for most faculties (August 11 to 15 inclusive).
Online applications for Affiliation Scholarships and Affiliation Bursaries open.
End of Summer Session Term 2.
Summer Session Term 2: Last day of examinations for most faculties.
The UBC Winter Bursary application will be available to students to apply between August 15 and September 15, 2025. For more information see the UBC Bursary Program.
Student Housing & Community Services: Last day of Summer Session Residence Contract; residents are required to vacate prior to 12 pm.
Jump Start (extended orientation) August 27 to 29.
Student Housing & Community Services: Residences open for Winter Session.
2024/25 Academic Year ends
Final Thesis/Dissertation Approval Deadline to be considered for the September Degree Conferral date.
Graduate Studies: Last day for Graduate Students employed as Teaching and Research Assistants to apply for deferral of Winter Session Term 1 (September to December) tuition fees
Last day for graduation applications to be submitted to Enrolment Services by all graduate students expecting to have their degree conferred in September.