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Refund of Tuition Fees

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Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. In recent years, tuition increases have been 2% for continuing domestic students and 3% for continuing international students.

Refund of Credit or Course-Based Tuition

Refund of fees, if any, is calculated from the day on which a student drops or withdraws from a course or program (see Change of Registration). If a withdrawal is not approved, the student will be liable for all assessed fees including any interest penalty. For processing of refunds, students must apply to Student Services by calling 250.807.9100 or email srfs.ubco@ubc.ca.

The refund tables apply to courses that follow the standard term start and end date schedule as outlined in the Academic Year. Courses that fall outside the standard schedule will have different deadline dates for refunds.

Winter Session Term 1 / Term 2 / Two-term / Summer Session1
On or before last day to drop without W standing100% of the fee for credits dropped
1-7 calendar days after last day to drop without W standing50% of the fee for credits dropped
8-14 calendar days after last day to drop without W standing25% of the fee for credits dropped
More than 14 calendar days after last day to drop without W standingNo refund
Refund for Two-term Winter Courses (when courses are withdrawn with a W in Term 2 with an approved academic concession)2
During first 2 weeks of Term 2100% of the second instalment of the fee for credits dropped
After second week of Term 2No refund

1 Courses that differ from standard term dates will be prorated from the above schedule.
2 Two-term Winter Courses withdrawn in Term 1 will not assess a second instalment of fees in Term 2.

Refund of Instalment-Based Tuition

The refund of instalment-based tuition fees for students who withdraw from either Term 1 or Term 2 of Winter Session or from Summer Session after registration will be calculated as shown below.

Winter Session
Course drop deadlineAmount refunded
The second Sunday after the Winter Term start date100% of the instalment
The fourth Sunday after the Winter Term start date60% of the instalment
The sixth Sunday after the Winter Term start date40% of the instalment
The eighth Sunday after the Winter Term start date20% of the instalment
After the eighth week of Winter TermNo refund
Summer Session 
Course drop deadlineAmount refunded
The second Sunday after the Summer Session start date100% of the instalment
The fourth Sunday after the Summer Session start date60% of the instalment
The sixth Sunday after the Summer Session start date40% of the instalment
The eighth Sunday after the Summer Session start date20% of the instalment
After the eighth week of Summer SessionNo refund


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