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Students who find it necessary to interrupt their graduate studies may apply to the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies for on-leave status. Leave is granted when a student is best advised for personal, health, or other reasons to have time completely away from his or her academic responsibilities. Leaves of absence must be approved by the graduate program in which the student is registered. Leave for master's or doctoral students (not including parental leave or leave to pursue concurrent programs) is normally limited to one year.
A leave will normally begin on the first day of September, January, or May.
Leaves of absence will be granted for a period of four, eight, or 12 months.
It is understood that students with on-leave status will not undertake any academic or research work, or use any of the University's facilities during the period of leave.
Students must inform the University immediately upon return from the leave of absence.
The time spent on leave is not counted as part of the allowed time to complete a degree.
Awards and Fellowships for Students with On-Leave Status
Students granted a leave of absence retain the full value of any university graduate fellowship or other award whose terms and conditions are established by the College of Graduate Studies. Awards will be suspended at the onset of the leave, and reinstated at the termination of the leave period, provided the student returns to full-time study within the same academic year.
Other awards will be paid according to the conditions established by the donor or granting agency.
Categories of Leaves of Absence
Parental Leave
A graduate student who is bearing a child or has primary responsibility for the care of an infant or young child is eligible for parental leave. A request for parental leave should be made through the student's graduate program for a minimum leave of four months to a maximum of 12 months.
Leave for Health Reasons
A graduate student who encounters a health problem that significantly interferes with the ability to pursue his or her course of study is eligible for a leave for health reasons.
Requests for a leave for health reasons must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation from the clinician providing primary care for the health problem.
A leave for health reasons is normally limited to 12 months.
Leave to Pursue a Second Program of Study
Following academic consultation, a graduate student may apply for a leave of absence from one program to pursue a second program of study. A leave of absence for these reasons may exceed one year. Completion time of the first degree program would be extended by the span of time on the leave of absence.
Personal Leave
A graduate student who encounters personal circumstances that significantly interfere with the ability to pursue his or her course of study may be eligible for personal leave. Request for a leave for personal reasons must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation.
Personal leave is normally limited to 12 months.