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College of Graduate Studies

Dean's Office
Peter Simpson, Dean

The University of British Columbia
Okanagan Campus
1161 Alumni Avenue
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7
Tel: 250.807.8772
Fax: 855.320.5630
Web: gradstudies.ok.ubc.ca

The College of Graduate Studies works in conjunction with departments, academic units, schools, and faculties to coordinate and maintain the quality of master's and doctoral programs at UBC's Okanagan campus. For more information on the responsibilities of the College, please see Senate Policy O-4.2: Governance of the College of Graduate Studies. For more information on graduate supervision and membership in the College, please see Senate Policy O-9: Graduate Student Supervision and Membership in the College of Graduate Studies.

The College of Graduate Studies is responsible for coordinating the UBC Okanagan campus Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies program. Details of this, as well as graduate programs which operate within affiliated faculties, are provided on the College of Graduate Studies website.

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