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Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies

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Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies


Gender, women and sexuality studies is an interdisciplinary program that draws from across the humanities, social sciences, and cultural studies. This dynamic program allows students to develop integrative and finely tuned perspectives on how gender and sexuality are central components of everyday life. Subjects of exploration include experiences of embodiment and social recognition; histories of modernity and domination; global, social, and economic processes; cultural production and systems of representation; and social justice movements.

At UBC Okanagan, you can complete a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) with a major or minor in gender, women and sexuality studies. 

Major in Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies

Degree Requirements

Major in Gender, Women and Sexuality StudiesCredits
Foundational Requirements21
Distribution Requirements12
Program Requirements48
300/400-level Electives18
Electives any level21
Total Credits120

Note: Some program requirements may be applied to Foundational and Distribution requirements; see B.A. requirements

Program Requirements

First and Second Years1Credits
GWST_O 1003
GWST_O 1103
One of INDG_O 100, 1023
One of GWST_O 216, 2233
Two of ENGL_O 270, GWST_O 2052, 215, 216, 223, 235, 240, 272, SOCI_O 2176
Total 100/200-level credits18


Third and Fourth YearsCredits
GWST_O 3343
One of GWST_O 323, 3353
Six of the following: ARTH_O 410, CULT_O 325, ECON_O 351, ENGL_O 430, FREN_O 419, 439, GEOG_O 358, GWST_O 3133, 4143, INDG_O 310, 450, PHIL_O 373, POLI_O 372, PSYO_O 353, 354, SOCI_O 303, 305, 309, 313, 415, 485, or any 300/400-level GWST_O 18
Additional 400-level credits GWST_O6
Total 300/400-level credits30
Program Requirement Total Credits 48

Note: Relevant special topics courses and directed studies in other disciplines may apply with permission from the program advisor.

1Students are encouraged to begin taking pre-requisites for their upper-level program requirements.

Minor in Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies

Program Requirements

First and Second YearsCredits
GWST_O 1003
GWST_O 1103
One of GWST_O 216, 2233
One of the following: ENGL_O 270, GWST_O 2052, 215, 216, 223, 235, 240, 272, SOCI_O 2173
Total 100/200-level credits12


Third and Fourth YearsCredits
One of GWST_O 323, 334, 3353
Four of the following: ARTH_O 410, CULT_O 325, ECON_O 351, ENGL_O 430, FREN_O 419, 439, GEOG_O 358, GWST_O 3133, 4143, INDG_O 310, 450, PHIL_O 373, POLI_O 372, PSYO_O 353, 354, SOCI_O 303, 305, 309, 313, 415, 485, or any 300/400-level GWST_O 12
Additional 400-level GWST_O3
Total 300/400-level credits18
Program Requirement Total Credits30

1 Relevant special topics courses and directed studies in other disciplines may be applied with permission of the program advisor.

2 Students may receive credit for only one of GWST_O 205 or ANTH_O 205. 

3 Students may receive credit for only one of GWST_O 313 or ANTH_O 313, and one of GWST_O 414 or ANTH_O 414. 


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