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Spanish (Minor)

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Minor in Spanish

Students interested in pursuing a Minor in Spanish should consult with a departmental academic advisor during the first year of their B.A. program. Students interested in studying abroad should inform the departmental advisor as soon as possible.

To complete a Minor in Spanish, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits and no more than 42 credits in Spanish out of the 120 credits required for the B.A. degree. At least 18 of these credits must be numbered 300 or above.

First and Second Years

Students would normally complete SPAN_O 101, 102; and any of the following sets: SPAN_O 201, 202 or SPAN_O 203, 204. Students may take a placement test to determine their entry level. Contact the Department of Languages and World Literatures for information.

Students who do not need to complete the Beginner courses SPAN_O 101 and SPAN_O 102 (e.g. students who have achieved 70% or higher in Spanish 12) will need to replace the 6 credits through any of the following options:

  • 6 credits from 300/400 level SPAN_O courses in addition to the 12 required credits;
  • Up to 6 credits from HIST_O 151, HIST_O 240, HIST_O 351, HIST_O 352, HIST_O 354, or HIST_O 452.

Third and Fourth Years

  • SPAN_O 301, 302; and
  • 12 additional credits of Spanish courses at the 300/400 level. 3 credits of these 12 can be satisfied by WRLD_O 340 if the evaluation is conducted in Spanish.


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