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Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology will provide students with a strong background in biochemistry, biology, and chemistry so that they will be well-placed to develop their interests and move on to graduate school, or work in allied fields such as microbiology, environmental sciences, plant science, food science, pharmacology, pharmaceutical sciences, industrial applications of molecular techniques, and biotechnology. This program is also suitable for students who would like a career in health or medical sciences, molecular diagnostics, and government agencies dealing with medicinal biochemistry. The program is composed of two options leading to a Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. There is a strong lab component to the program, which is essential for students working in this area. The program also allows for the students to do a directed studies research project with various professors in both Chemistry and Biology.
There are two options in the Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:
1. Biochemistry option: encompasses a broad selection of courses from all areas of chemistry as well as biology. This option is especially suited for professional careers in medicine, biochemistry, and biophysics and is well suited to research careers in basic and translational medicine, as well as university and marketplace laboratories.
2. Medical and Molecular Biology option: takes students into the medical aspects of biochemistry and molecular biology, including pharmacology, medical microbiology and virology, and the biochemical basis of disease. This option will be of interest to students who would like to do medical research in the future, or those who would like to work in medical or allied health sciences.
The Major is structured to meet the requirements of a major in Science and will normally take four years.
First and Second Years | Credits |
BIOL_O 116, 125 | 6 |
CHEM_O 121, 123 | 6 |
MATH_O 100 | 3 |
One of MATH_O 101 or 103 | 3 |
PHYS_O 111 or 112 | 3 |
PHYS_O 121 or 122 | 3 |
ENGL_O 1091, or two of ENGL_O 1121, 113, 1141, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, CORH_O 2032 | 6 |
BIOL_O 200 | 3 |
BIOL_O 228 | 3 |
BIOL_O 265 | 3 |
CHEM_O 203, 204 | 6 |
CHEM_O 201 | 3 |
Non-science electives4 | 6 |
Biochemistry Option | |
MATH_O 2003 | 3 |
One of CHEM_O 211, BIOL_O 202, STAT_O 230 | 3 |
Medical and Molecular Biology Option | |
One of BIOC_O 211, BIOL_O 201, 204, 205, 209, 210 or CHEM_O 211 | 3 |
One of BIOL_O 202, STAT_O 230 | 3 |
Total Credits | 60 |
Third and Fourth Years | |
BIOC_O 304, 305 | 6 |
BIOL_O 366 | 3 |
BIOC_O 393 | 3 |
Non-science electives4 | 6 |
Biochemistry Option | |
Three of BIOC_O 402, 403, 405, 410, 412, 420, 425 | 9 |
CHEM_O 305 | 3 |
6 credits of CHEM_O 304, 330, 333, 335, BIOC_O 494, BIOC_O 4955 | 6 |
Upper-level science elective | 6 |
Upper-level arts or science electives | 6 |
Electives | 12 |
Medical and Molecular Biology Option | |
BIOC_O 308, 309 | 6 |
Two of BIOC_O 402, 403, 405, 410, 412 | 6 |
BIOC_O 407 | 3 |
One of BIOC_O 494, 4955 | 3 |
BIOL_O 318 | 3 |
Two of BIOL_O 312, 314, 341, 363 | 6 |
Upper-level elective | 3 |
Electives | 12 |
Total Credits | 60 |
Minimum credits for degree | 120 |
1Credit will only be granted for one of ENGL_O 109, 112 OR 114.
2It is recommended students take CORH_O 203 to fulfill the English or Communications requirement.
3Prerequisites for MATH_O 200 are: either (a) MATH_O 101 or (b) a score of 65% or higher in MATH_O 103.
4 Students entering the B.Sc. in 2024 or later must complete at least 9 credits of non-science designated courses and 3 credits from INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114. Students who entered the B.Sc. prior to 2024 are required to complete 12 credits of non-science designated courses. These students are strongly encouraged to take INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114.
5BIOC 494_O and/or 495 (Biotechnology Laboratory I and II) can be replaced by BIOC_O 448 or BIOC_O 449, a 6-credit lab-based directed studies or honours course, though students may take all.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Honours Program
The Honours in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology provides an intensive program of study through coursework and research experience. Students who complete this program will have the ability to work independently and with a high level of competency.
The course requirements are the same as in the Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology program, except that 6 credits must be in BIOC_O 449.
Admission Requirements
- Fourth-year standing (minimum of 78 credits in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Major).
- Minimum grade average of 76%.
- Enrolment in BIOC_O 449 with a research project and a research supervisor approved by the department.
Graduation Requirements
- Completion of the course requirements for the Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
- A minimum 76% graduating grade average (GGA).
- BIOC_O 449, with a minimum grade of 76%. A written thesis, with a public presentation of the thesis in the form of a poster or a seminar.