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Academic Regulations

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In addition to the general policies and regulations set out in Policies and Regulations the following academic regulations listed apply to undergraduate students in this program.

Repeating/Failed Courses

Except in special cases, no student may repeat a course more than once.

Students wanting to repeat a course more than once must submit a written request to the Dean’s office, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies.

The highest grade achieved will be used in the determination of the student's graduation standing, though all grades remain on the student's academic record.

Supplemental Examinations

The Bachelor of Media Studies degree program does not offer supplemental examinations in any courses.

Major or Honours Programs

Students in the Bachelor of Media Studies are not permitted to complete a major or honours program in addition to their B.M.S.

Dean's List

Students who complete 24 credits or more in a Winter Session with an overall average of 85% or higher on all credits attempted will receive the notation "Dean's List" on their permanent records for that specific Winter Session. Students who are registered with the Disability Resource Center with an approved reduced course load need to complete a minimum of 18 credits to be considered for the Dean List notation.

Class Standing at Graduation

The designation “with Distinction” will be notated on the degree parchment for any student who has achieved an average of at least 80% but less than 85%, calculated on all completed UBC academic courses numbered 300 or higher. The designation “with High Distinction” will be notated on the degree parchment for any student who has achieved an average of at least 85%, calculated on all attempted UBC academic courses numbered 300 or higher.

Promotion Requirements

Promotion is dependent on successful completion of a minimum number of credits as listed below.

First Year0–23 credits
Second Year24–47 credits
Third Year48–77 credits
Fourth Year78 or more credits

Academic Standing

Supplementary to the University's policy on Academic Standing, the following academic regulations listed apply to undergraduate students in the BMS program.

Academic performance is evaluated based on coursework completed over a session. Sessional evaluations occur in April and will evaluate academic performance for the entire Winter Session (September to April).

Sessional evaluation standings are recorded on the academic record and are the student’s official standing with the university. A student’s sessional evaluation outcome is the standing under which the student will return to, continue, or discontinue studies.

In Good Standing

B.M.S. students who achieve a sessional average of at least 55% will be considered to be In Good Standing.

On Academic Probation

On Academic Probation standing will be assigned at the end of the Winter Session (April) based on performance in that Winter Session (September – April). The evaluation will consider all courses taken in the session.

On Academic Probation will be assigned to a student who has:

  • earned a sessional average between 50% and 54.9%

A student assigned a standing of On Academic Probation in the sessional evaluation will normally be allowed to register in a maximum of 9 credits in their first term of the following Winter Session. This restriction may be waived at the discretion of the Faculty.


Failed standing will be assigned at the end of the Winter Session (April) based on performance in that Winter Session (September – April). The evaluation will consider all courses taken in the session.

Courses taken in the Summer Session are not taken into consideration for assigning Failed standing.

Failed standing will be assigned to a student who has:

  • a sessional average of less than 50%

A student placed on Failed standing for the first time will normally be required to discontinue his or her studies for a period of one academic year (12 months) prior to resuming his or her program of study. A student who already has a Failed standing on his or her academic record (from any UBC program) will be required to withdraw from the University and may only be readmitted under the Advancement Regulations.


Students who have a failed year in the Bachelor of Media Studies are required to submit a letter of appeal with their readmission application.

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