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Power, Conflict, and Ideas Theme Overview
Degrees Offered: (M.A., Ph.D.)
The Power, Conflict, and Ideas Theme focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to research on social change, with a foundation in social theory, governance and policy, power and ideas, and historical context.
For participating faculty, see the Power, Conflict, and Ideas Theme website. The Theme offers full-time, research-based degrees. For research interests of Theme faculty members, consult the Theme website.
Theme Admission Requirements
The overarching IGS requirements are the minimum standards required for admission to the Theme. Evidence in the application for admission that the research interests and scholarly background of the applicant are topically relevant to the Theme, and agreement of a faculty member who participates in the Theme to serve as the applicant’s supervisor, are also required. Refer to the PCI Theme website for a list of potential supervisors.
Theme Requirements
Master of Arts (M.A.) in Interdisciplinary Studies, Power, Conflict, and Ideas Theme
In addition to the general academic regulations for graduate students set out by the College of Graduate Studies, students in the Power, Conflict, and Ideas Theme must complete 30 credits for the M.A. as follows:
- a 12-credit Master's Thesis (IGS_O 599);
- 3 credits of IGS_O 524;
- 6 credits from IGS_O 589, IGS_O 590, IGS_O 591;
- 3 credits from IGS_O 592 or another methods course approved by the supervisory committee; and,
- 6 credits of additional coursework selected by the student in consultation with, and approval of, his or her supervisor, of which no more than 3 credits can be at the 300/400 level, and none may be at the 100/200 level.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Interdisciplinary Studies, Power, Conflict, and Ideas Theme
In addition to the general academic regulations for graduate students set out by the College of Graduate Studies, the minimum requirements for the Ph.D. are:
- 3 credits of IGS_O 524;
- 3 credits of IGS_O 592;
- 6 credits of coursework selected from the following: IGS_O 589, IGS_O 590, IGS_O 591;
- successful completion of comprehensive requirements; and
- successful defence of the doctoral dissertation IGS_O 699 (0) Doctoral Thesis.
Contact Information
Complete details regarding the Power, Conflict and Ideas Theme are available on the IGS website, or by contacting the Theme Coordinator.
For current information, consult the Power, Conflict, and Ideas Theme Website.