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Unless discussed below, this program follows the Campus-wide Policies and Regulations found here.
Academic Progress
The progress of all students working toward the Master of Management degree will be reviewed regularly by the Program Director and the Dean of the Faculty of Management. A student may be required to withdraw if academic progress has not been satisfactory.
A Pass/Fail grading practice applies to all courses in the MM program.
- The Faculty of Management will use marking schemes and rubrics with a minimum pass equivalency set at B+ (76%) in UBC’s standard marking system. Evaluation criteria for Pass/Fail status is available upon request from the instructor.
A student must pass all courses to be considered to be progressing satisfactorily.
- Where a pass is not obtained in a course, and on the recommendation of the Program Director and the approval of the Dean of the Faculty of Management, the student may repeat a course for higher standing. If the Program Director does not make such a recommendation, or if the recommendation is not approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Management, the student will be required to withdraw.
- If a course is repeated, both standings will appear on the transcript.
Attendance and Participation
Students must ensure that the minimum technical requirements for the program can be met before the program start date. The requirements can be found at the program website.
• Students will be expected to complete all assigned readings and other preparatory work; to complete and submit in a timely fashion all assigned work and to participate actively in all interactive course components.
• Students who do not participate fully in all course components will normally be asked to withdraw from the program.
• Students who cannot participate in a course by reason of medical, emotional, or similar circumstances should apply for special consideration (see Academic Concession).
Students must complete degree requirements within two years of their enrolment into Master of Management courses. Extensions may be granted under exceptional circumstances with the permission of the Dean of the Faculty of Management.
Withdrawal, Readmission and Reinstatement
UBC Initiated Withdrawal
A candidate may be required to withdraw if progress has not been satisfactory as shown by coursework, or non-participation in courses.
When a student is required to withdraw, the academic record will indicate “required to withdraw”.
A student who is required to withdraw will not normally be eligible to apply for readmission to the Master of Management program for at least one year. Readmission follows the admission process outlined above.