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B.Sc. Major in Psychology
Note: The UBC Okanagan campus also offers a B.A. Major in Psychology.
The Bachelor of Science Major in Psychology provides a strong foundation in psychology.
Students gain a broad perspective in psychology with courses in such diverse areas as biopsychology, cognitive, developmental, social, and abnormal psychology. In addition, students gain an understanding and appreciation of the empirical method as it is applied across the disciplines. Students may complete a B.Sc. Major in Psychology with a minor in any other Social Science area.
Students who have not earned the 6 credits of required English or Communications coursework by the time they enter fourth year will not be permitted to enroll in any courses other than courses that satisfy the English or Communications requirement. Students intending to pursue graduate studies in Psychology are advised to consider taking the Honours degree since many Canadian universities expect potential graduate students to have completed an Honours degree.
Enrolling as a Psychology Major
Students are encouraged to declare their Major in Psychology at the end of their first year. To be admitted to the Major program, students must successfully complete both PSYO_O 111 and 121 (or equivalent) and a minimum of 24 credits. To continue as a Psychology Major, a student must complete both PSYO_O 270 and 271 (or equivalent); these courses should be completed in second year.
First and Second Years
First Year | Credits |
ENGL_O 1091, or two of ENGL_O 1121, 113, 1141, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, or 156; CORH_O 203 or 205 | 6 |
MATH_O 100 | 3 |
One of COSC_O, DATA_O, STAT_O, additional MATH_O courses | 3 |
At least 3 credits of experimental science in any BIOL_O, CHEM_O, EESC_O, or PHYS_O courses with labs | 3 |
Science electives2 | 9 |
PSYO_O 111, 121 | 6 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Second Year | |
Science [non-Psychology] electives2 | 12 |
PSYO_O 270, 271 | 6 |
At least 12 credits of non-science designated courses3,4 | 12 |
Total Credits | 30 |
1Credit will only be granted for one of ENGL_O 109, 112 or 114.
2 The first-year courses are often prerequisite for second-year courses and second-year courses are often prerequisites for upper-level (third- and fourth-year) courses. Students are strongly advised to consider what upper-level courses are of interest to ensure that they have the proper prerequisites to complete upper-level electives credits.
3 PSYO_O courses are science courses for B.Sc. PSYO students.
4 Students entering the B.Sc. in 2024 or later must complete at least 9 credits of non-science designated courses and 3 credits from INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114. Students who entered the B.Sc. prior to 2024 are required to complete 12 credits of non-science designated courses. These students are strongly encouraged to take INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114.
Third and Fourth Years
- At least 30 credits of 300/400-level or higher PSYO_O courses;
- Cognitive& Behavioural Neuroscience requirement: at least 3 credits of PSYO_O 219, 230, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 334, 335, 435;
- Developmental requirement: at least 3 credits of PSYO_O 220, 321, 322, 323;
- Mental Health & Wellness requirement: at least 3 credits of PSYO_O 343, 346, 348, 349, 357, 440;
- Social Psychology & Personality requirement: at least 3 credits of PSYO_O 241, 252, 353, 354, 355, 356.
- In total, a minimum of 48 credits in Psychology courses (at least 30 credits at the 300 level or higher). Students may earn the additional 6 credits in Psychology beyond the required 12 lower-level [PSYO_O 111, 121, 270 & 271] and the 30 upper-level [i.e., 300 or higher] credits with second- and/or upper-level credits;
- At least 12 credits in 300-level or higher non-Psychology courses (upper division). At least 6 must be designated as Science which will give a total of 78 Science credits [this includes all Psychology credits];
- At least 12 credits of non-science designated courses;
- At least 120 credits are required for the degree;
- The credits not specifically defined are electives. Given the requirements of a minimum 42 upper-division credits, it is possible to take a limited number of lower-division courses (including Psychology) during third and fourth year.
Note: not all of the identified courses are offered each year. A number of courses are offered in alternate years, and some may not be offered for several years. Students are advised to check the current schedule of course offerings. Moreover, timetabling conflicts may mean that courses have to be taken in a different order.
B.Sc. Psychology Honours Program
The Honours degree program in Psychology enables high-achieving Psychology Major students to increase their concentration in Psychology and gain research experience by the completion of an Honours thesis. Students are expected to satisfy high levels of competency in their academic achievement and to successfully complete a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. Students admitted to B.Sc. Psychology Major program, or in any of the concentration areas, may apply to the Honours program provided all admission requirements outlined below are satisfied.
Admission Requirements
- Fourth-year standing;
- Minimum weighted average of 76% from all courses taken in Psychology;
- Minimum weighted average of 76% over the last 60 credits;
- Preliminary thesis topic approved by a thesis supervisor (note: the department head must approve the thesis supervisor) and
- Completion of PSYO_O 372 and PSYO_O 373 with a minimum of 76% in each of these courses.
Graduation Requirements
- All general program requirements for the Bachelor of Science;
- All requirements for the Psychology Major, including the breadth requirement;
- Completion of PSYO_O 372 (Research Methods and Statistics), PSYO_O 373 (Advanced Research Methods and Statistics), and 6 credits of PSYO_O 490 (Undergraduate Honours Thesis and associated seminar), with a minimum of 76% in each of these courses;
- A minimum of 54 credits of Psychology, of which 42 must be upper-level Psychology;
- Minimum weighted average of 76% from all courses in Psychology;
- Minimum weighted average of 76% over the last 60 credits; and
- Public presentation of the thesis.
Residency Requirements
Same as for B.Sc. Major in Psychology.