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Economics (B.Sc.)

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B.Sc. Major in Economics

Note: UBC Okanagan also offers a B.A. Major in Economics and a B.A. Major in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE).

The B.Sc. Major in Economics emphasizes the mathematical and quantitative nature of modern economic inquiry that is increasingly required for progress on to graduate studies in economics or to careers in quantitative economic and financial analysis in the public and private sectors. The Major combines courses in Economics, Mathematics, and Statistics along with other Arts and Social Sciences requirements and electives. For students registered in the B.Sc. program in Economics, all Economics (ECON_O) courses are considered Science courses.

Students are recommended to enter the B.Sc. Economics Major in their second year in order to ensure proper program advising and course selection.

To be admitted to the major program students must successfully complete:

  • all of ECON_O 101 and 102; and,
  • a minimum of 24 credits. 

First Year


ECON_O 101, 102


MATH_O 100, 101


3 credits from the following courses: BIOL_O 116 or 117, 122 or 125, 131, 133; CHEM_O 121, 123; EESC_O 111, 121; PHYS_O 111 or 112, 121 or 122


ENGL_O 1091, or two of ENGL_O 1121, 113, 1141, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, CORH_O 205


DATA_O 101




Total Credits



Second Year


ECON_O 204, 205, 225                                                                                                                                                                                 


MATH_O 200, 221                           


One of MATH_O 220, 222, 225


STAT_O 203, 205




Total Credits



Third and Fourth Years


ECON_O 327, 328


Four of ECON_O 320, 401, 402, 409, 427; MATH_O 303, 307, 317, 319, 327, 339, 340, 409, 441; STAT_O 303, 324, 401, 403; DATA_O 301, 310, 311, 315, 410 


One of ECON_O 308, 386, 401


One of ECON_O 309, 345, 347, 356, 402, 409


ECON_O courses numbered 300 or higher


ECON_O courses at any level2


Upper-level electives



Total Credits


Minimum credits for degree120

1Credit will only be granted for one of ENGL_O 109, 112 OR 114.

2 Students entering the B.Sc. in 2024 or later must complete at least 9 credits of non-science designated courses and 3 credits from INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114. Students who entered the B.Sc. prior to 2024 are required to complete 12 credits of non-science designated courses. These students are strongly encouraged to take INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114. 

B.Sc. Honours in Economics

The Honours in Economics enables high-achieving students in Economics to gain research experience through the completion of a directed-studies project (ECON_O 499 Honours Essay) under the supervision of a faculty member. Students intending to pursue graduate studies in economics are advised to consider taking the Honours program since it better equips them to be successful; in addition, most of the high-quality programs in Economics expect potential graduate students to have completed an Honours degree. 

Students who wish to enroll in the Honours program must submit a formal application to the coordinator of the Honours program. After admission, students must complete ECON_O 495 (Honours Seminar) and ECON_O 499 (Honours Essay) in sequence during their final year of study. 

Admission Requirements:

  • Fourth-year standing in the Economics Major;
  • A minimum grade average of 78% in all courses taken to date that are applicable to the Economics Major;
  • A minimum grade of 78% in both ECON_O 204 and ECON_O 205;
  • A minimum grade average of 78% in MATH_O 100 or 116 and MATH_O 101 or 142;
  • Successful Completion of ECON_O 327 and ECON_O 328.
  • Approval of the Honours program coordinator and the department head. 

Graduation Requirements:

  • All general program requirements for the B.Sc. degree;
  • All requirements for the B.Sc. Economics Major;
  • Successful completion of ECON_O 401, 402, 427, 495 and 499;
  • A minimum overall grade average of 78% in all Economics (ECON_O) courses;
  • A minimum overall grade average of 78% in all courses; and

A minimum of 54 credits of Economics with at least 36 credits at the upper level. 



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