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Academic Regulations

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In addition to the University's policy on Academic Standing, the regulations below are applicable to B.Secw. students in this Faculty.

A student’s eligibility to continue registering in their degree program is evaluated annually upon completion of the Winter Session. Registration eligibility is granted based on the Sessional Average for the Winter Session, as well as a review of specific academic requirements.

Courses taken in the Summer Session are not taken into consideration for assigning Sessional standing. 

Academic standing is evaluated as follows:

Winter Session AverageSessional StandingStatus
55% or moreIn Good Standing1Eligible to continue
54.9% to 50%On Academic Probation2Eligible to continue
Less than 50%Failed3, 4Required to Withdraw

1 Students who attain a sessional average of 55% or more are classified as In Good Standing and will be eligible to continue their studies. Those who do exceptionally well may also receive recognition; see Dean’s List. 

2 Students who attain a sessional average between 50% and 54.9% will be placed on Academic Probation. This will be noted on their academic record. Once a standing of On Academic Probation has been placed on a student’s academic record, the student is permitted to continue in their degree program, but will be placed on a reduced maximum credit load for the following Winter and subsequent Summer Sessions, as follows: 

Academic Probation Standing RegistrationWinter SessionSummer Session
Maximum credit load per Session189
Maximum credit load per Term9

6 (Term 1); 

3 (Term 2)

If, upon completion of the academic standing evaluation the following year, the student’s Winter Session sessional average again falls in the 50%-54.9% range, their standing will remain as On Academic Probation. If their Winter Session sessional average rises to 55% or more, their standing will change from On Academic Probation to In Good Standing. There is no maximum number of instances of Academic Probation permitted; students may remain as On Academic Probation for the duration of their studies, as long as their Winter Session average falls in the Academic Probation range.

3 Students who attain a sessional average of less than 50% in a Winter Session will be assigned Failed standing and required to withdraw from the Faculty.

4 For information on readmission after receiving Failed standing and being required to withdraw from the Faculty, see Advancement Regulations.

Dean's List

Students in any Winter Session with a sessional average of at least 85% while taking 24 or more credits will receive the notation "Dean's List" on their official transcript of academic record.

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