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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Dean's Office  
Silvia Tomášková, Dean  
Alison Conway, Associate Dean, Research, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies  
Donna Senese, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Recruitment, Services, and Success
Julien Picault, Associate Dean pro tem., Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
Bernard Momer, Associate Dean, Teaching, Learning and Curriculum (on leave)
Michael Evans, Associate Dean, Strategic Initiatives
Julia Costa, Assistant to the Dean

The University of British Columbia  
Okanagan Campus  
Arts & Science II Building, Room 405  
3187 University Way  
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7  
Tel: 250.807.9527  
Web: fass.ok.ubc.ca  
Email: fass.reception.ubco@ubc.ca

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences brings together a diverse and unique community of learning and research that integrates the humanities and the social sciences as well as the computational and mathematical sciences. Our undergraduate and graduate programs provide many paths to a rich learning experience through traditional disciplinary programs, interdisciplinary options, co-op opportunities and UBC’s GoGlobal international programs. For a complete list of undergraduate academic programs offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, please see the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of NłeɁkepmx Language Fluency, Bachelor of Nsyilxcn Language Fluency, Bachelor of Secwépemc Language Fluency, Bachelor of St’at’imc Language Fluency pages and the College of Graduate Studies page for graduate programs.

Credentials offered:

  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)1
  • Bachelor of NłeɁkepmx Language Fluency (B.Nłek)
  • Bachelor of Nsyilxcn Language Fluency (B.N.L.F.)
  • Bachelor of Secwépemc Language Fluency (B.Secw.) 
  • Bachelor of St’át’imc Language Fluency (B.St.Lg.)
  • Masters of Arts (M.A.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The Faculty is organized into four departments that are responsible for delivering our programs:

Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies  
Jon Corbett, Head  
María José Beltrán Santos, Department Assistant
Elizabeth Loeffler, Department Assistant  
Sue Sterling-Bur, Manager, Strategy and Operations Indigenous Initiatives, Community, Culture and Global Studies
Dallas Good Water, Community Liaison and Instructional Coordinator  
Helen Copeland, Community Liaison and Instructional Coordinator, St’at’imc Language Fluency
Shanny Nuyens, Community Liaison and Instructor Coordinator, Nłeʔkepmx Language Fluency
Email: ccgs.okanagan@ubc.ca  

Department of Economics, Philosophy and Political Science  
Noriko Ozawa, Head  
Liana Knezevic, Department Assistant  
Jacqui Brown, Department Assistant  
Email: epp.okanagan@ubc.ca  

Department of History and Sociology  
Ben Nilson, Head  
Barb Wilke, Department Assistant  
Anmol Grewal, Department Assistant
Email: hs.okanagan@ubc.ca  

Department of Psychology  
Elena Nicoladis, Head  
Marla MacDonald, Department Assistant  
Kim Snyder, Department Assistant  
Marlis Wecels, Administrative Manager, Interprofessional Clinic
Amanda Rivet, Receptionist/Assistant, Interprofessional Clinic  
Email: psychology.okanagan@ubc.ca

1 Bachelor of Arts degrees in Art History and Visual Culture, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, English, French and Spanish are available through the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies.

Returning students must receive the approval of the relevant department head before the student may enter either the second major or the honours program. The department head will ensure that the student’s prior work is sufficiently current to progress within the proposed program of study.

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