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A visiting graduate student is one who is attending the UBC Okanagan campus to complete coursework and/or research toward the requirements of a graduate degree at another recognized university. To be eligible for admission as a visiting student to the UBC Okanagan campus, the student must be currently registered in a graduate program with good standing at the home university. Normally, students may hold visiting status at the UBC Okanagan campus for a maximum of 12 months. Prior approval of the home university, the UBC Okanagan campus graduate program, and the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies is required.
Visiting students, with the exception of those governed by the Western Deans' Agreement, Graduate Exchange Agreement, and other special agreements, pay tuition fees on a per-credit basis.
Visiting Students Under the Western Deans' Agreement
The Western Deans' Agreement provides an automatic tuition fee waiver for visiting students from participating universities. Under the terms of this agreement, graduate students in good standing from UBC can register to take courses at any of the participating universities without paying tuition at the host institution. The same is also true for students of other participating institutions who wish to attend classes at UBC.
To be eligible, courses must be an integral part of the applicant's graduate degree program. Students may be required to pay student, activity, application, or other ancillary fees to the host institution, according to general policies in effect at the host institution. If appropriate, UBC Okanagan graduate students will be granted transfer credit(s) toward their graduate program upon receipt of an official transcript from the host institution to the College of Graduate Studies showing confirmation of course completion.
Additional information about the Western Deans’ Agreement and participating institutions is available on the Western Canadian Deans of Graduate Studies website.
Visiting Students Under the Graduate Exchange Agreement
The Graduate Exchange Agreement allows graduate students in good standing at UBC, McGill University, the University of Toronto, and the University of Montreal to take courses at each other's universities without having to pay tuition fees to the host institution.
Students wishing to apply for visiting student status under either of these special agreements should consult College of Graduate Studies for more information.
Other Exchange Agreements
Graduate programs may have exchange agreements with similar programs at other institutions. Students should consult their Graduate Program Coordinator or UBC's Go Global: International Learning Programs for more information.
Visiting International Research Student (VIRS)
An international visiting research student is one who is enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, or graduate-equivalent program at another university, or is a participant in a UBC-recognized (through Go Global) “bridging” program between undergraduate and graduate studies, who visits UBC for one month or longer to conduct research only.
A VIRO must be supervised by a UBC faculty member throughout the visit, and must have the written permission of their home institution or sponsoring program to visit UBC to conduct research. The Head for the department or laboratory with which the visitor will be affiliated has final authority to approve a VIRO visit. Students whose home institution has a formal academic student exchange agreement with UBC will be registered as exchange students unless reciprocity quotas are filled; in which case additional students may come under the VIRO designation.
A Visiting International Research Student will normally come to UBC for a maximum of one year. At the end of the approved visit period, the student may request an extension for up to one year. A visit lasting more than one year will require renewal of their permissions, registration, and fees.